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Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Saturday 9:00 PM (repeated Sunday 8:00 PM)

Features this week [Time in brackets index to the featured item in the mp3 file]:
(1:40) Martin Summers, the latest analysis from our financial crisis correspondent.
Bristol Debt Advice Centre

(19:33) Protest against the BBC for its decision to not air the Gaza humanitarian appeal.

(33:43) The twins economise - a short story.
(45:08) History of the Mafia, part 3
(51:27) What's On guide
(58:27) Credits
Presenter: John Peters-Coleman
Reporters: Tony Gosling
History of Mafia: Malcolm Grieve
What's On: Jeff Sparkes
Short story: Chris Ironside
Studio Engineer: Mark Condon and Vilas Chitrakaran
Producer : Tony Gosling
On The Edge: Theo Chalmers, Tony Gosling and Sally Murrer on press freedom (EMTV 2009)

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