Palestine has the Right to Respond to Israeli Attacks
Last update - 19:42 27/01/2009
Palestine has the Right to Respond to Israeli Attacks
By News Agencies
The Global People’s Resistance Front (GPRF) said on Tuesday that Palestine had a right to defend itself from the US funded Israeli attacks on the Palestinian territories. The war crimes and illegal attacks against Palestine could not go unanswered.
"We support Palestines right to self-defense. Israel, while armed and funded as the fourth center of nuclear and military power in the world by the USA is constantly attacking populated areas in Palestine and that cannot go unanswered," the GPRF said in their first news conference.
"It is regrettable that the Israeli leadership apparently believes that it is in their interest to provoke the stance of victim and right of self-defense against the Palestinian people who have not one airplane nor a military to fight the Israeli military whose weapons of mass destruction have been used against Palestinian schools, hospitals, universities, and mosques. GPRF also said that U.S. President Barack Obama’s first days in office have made it clear that the US/Israeli empire will continue to use the so called terrorism rhetoric of the neo-conservatives against small countries who cannot protect themselves against armed and dangerous empires. They said this was reflected in statements Obama and Clinton have made in recent interviews on Arab TV.
"There is a clear opportunity for the Israelis and the USA to demonstrate some willingness to finally engage meaningfully with the international community who know who the real terrorists are—the USA and the Israelis," they said. "Whether or not that US/Israeli hand becomes less clenched is really up to them."
They said the GPRF is undertaking a wide-ranging and comprehensive survey of U.S. policy options towards the over 200 countries it has interfered with since WWII.
"There is just a lot that we are considering that we are not prepared to discuss," they added.
More broadly, they said their initial round of telephone calls with world leaders has yielded positive signs of leaders and their people finally uniting against empire.
"There’s a great exhalation of breath going on around the world as people express their appreciation for the new direction that’s being set and the world resistance team that’s [been] put together by the oppressed people of the world ," they said.
"In areas of the world that have felt either overlooked or not receiving appropriate attention to the problems they are experiencing, there’s a welcoming of the engagement that we are promising," GPRF said.
"It is a solid repudiation and indictment of the past 60 years of covert and overt CIA/USA, Israeli/Mossad, and UK/MI5 destablization of regimes around the world."
The GPRF dismissed suggestions that a global resistance team would find it difficult to work together. They said all are determined to find the best way to execute the new US president’s foreign policy objectives if they continue to mean the colonization across the globe of any country whose raw material resources the US and Israelis expect to steal and exploit.
"We have a lot of damage to repair," they said, referring to U.S. foreign relations as they stand since WWII. "The US alone has militarily or through CIA actions interfered with and attempted to control Iran, Guatamala, El Salvador, Chile, Panama, Argentina, Haiti, Somalia, Puerto Rico, the Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and countless countries with no military capabilities comparable to the US." The GPRF said they spoke by telephone today with top Iraqi officials to issue an invitation and make clear that there will be continuity in resistance across the Muslim world, Africa and Latin America .
They said their call was intended to reinforce the commitment to self determination and sovereign nations who have the right to determine their own resources, economies, religions and forms of government. While Iraqis are scheduled to vote on Saturday in a set of bogus elections that U.S. and Iraqi officials hope will further solidify progress toward colonizing Iraq the resistance opposes any national political reconciliation that allows the USA to own and operate a puppet regime in Iraq or any country.
By : Global People's Resistance Front
January Thursday 29 2009
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They do indeed (that's the real problem here)
29.01.2009 15:23
Let's assume for just one moment that the Israelis have COMPLETELY withdrawn. Pulled back to the '67 borders and allow the Palestinians to form their own state and control THEIR SIDE of their borders with the outside world. That of course does not necessarily include:
1) Any rights of transit across Israel between the two parts (look at any map -- Israel would not be blocking the only way between, just the most economical route between).
2) Any rights of people or goods entering or leaving via Israel (again refer to the map)
3) Very important --- expectation of "restraint" when some within this new state decide to continue attacking Israel
In other words, it is indeed the "right" of a people to decide on war with a neighbor. But they don't have a right not to be crushed by disproportionate force in response. Against an indiscriminate response yes. But a response by a batterty of 155mm howizters obliterating the hectare from which a mortar has fired upon them is not (within 50m decent counterfire for artillery)
The sad reality is that there may be no solution giving "peace" for the Palestinans. Escape form the Israelis might be at the price of havign to fight a civil war among themselves (the "price" the Israelis could justifiably demand in exchange for exercising restraint when attacked). In other words, nobody is really talking about the elephant in the corner that might mean that bad as it is, the current impasse is better than the alternatives.
The free and independent Palestinian state will NEED (t be viable)
a) A transit route across Israel. Thye will have to "pay" for the land israel surrenders for this by surrendering land in return (West Bank settlements).
b) Access for people and goods going in and out via Israel. This will cost the claim to Jersusalem, at least partially (will have to accept sharing)
c) Restraint on the part of Israel when attacked becuase otherwise crushed.
Do any of you believe these concessions wouldn't mean civil war? (compare with Irish history -- actually a rather similar situation as the "oocupier" can FORCE the situation simply by withdrawal, no need for a signed document).
If your reponse to thios situation is along the lines "well then Israel must be destroyed -- it isn't what the Israelis are doing or might do but their very existence which prevents "peace" for the Palestinians" then you have to accept that the Israelis have a right to defend themselves against THAT.
Right for Palestinian Resistance
29.01.2009 19:55
Infant terrorists
29.01.2009 21:05
33rd degree