26/01/09: Again cars torched
22/01/09: Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)
21/01/09: Car of a delivering service company (DHL) torched
19/01/09: External fence property of the police damaged
19/01/09: DHL heavy good vehicle burned
18/01/09: Pfullinger Neonazi tattostudio smashed
15/01/09: Arson attack against the social court
14/01/09: Arson attack against a jobcenter (dole office) in Charlottenburg
14/01/09: Three upperclass cars burned
10/01/09: Two cars and a moto burned down
09/01/09: Unknown persons set construction machines in flames
08/01/09: Neonazi structures attacked
Ravage following the mortal gunshots in Schönfließ
Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)
Berlin, 26 of January 2009
Dennis J. died on new year's eve in Schönfließ as consequence of a bullet which got shot into his head, fired by a policeman.
The episode is not yet clear – the news still takes the first pages.
In the night to monday, there has been ravage going on in Berlin, which the police brings in connection with the case of Dennis J.
Sunday night, around 9.20pm, 10 to 20 masked up persons smashed the windows of a Sparkasse bank and of a telephone reseller in the Muskauerstr., Kreuzberg, by throwing cobblestones. Also the windows of a clothes-shop got smashed in the Eisenbahnstr. Alltogether, 20 windows got damaged.
On top of this, a trashbin used for glass has been thrown in the middle of the Skalitzerstr., corner Görlitzerstr, and in the Pücklerstr. the authors pushed two trashbins on the streets and set it on fire.
Police discovered some graffiti left onthe walls in the Pücklerstr, drawing a link with the episode of Schönfließ, as also two damaged cars.
Moreover, they found some flyers which thematized the mortal gunshots of new year's eve.
Around 10.30pm, a witness noticed the flames developing on the main entrance of the police station located in the Kurfunsterdamm, Wilmersdorf, which afterwards extinguished by themselves. After police investigation, it mus has been about an incendiary device, which caused some sootyness of the facade and of a window.
Finally, around 2,30am unknown persons damaged the windows of a Commerzbank located in the Weserstr., Neukölln. The state security investigates on all the episodes.
On new year's eve, a Berlin's civil cop shot dead the wanted Dennis J., 26 years old and on whom there has been an arrest warrant pending on. The 35 years old cop fired eight times against the stolen car where the young man was sitting in.
Against the cop one is proceeding for murder. Against two more cops, who were also participating at the operation, one opened a proceedment for „obstruction of the investigation“.
The latter refused to make any declaration during the first interrogation.
Source: Morgenpost
Again cars torched
Berlin, 25 of January 2009
Again arsons attacks in Friedrichshain.
In the night to Sunday, three cars got burned.
In the Eldenaerstr. a Porsche Cayenne got torched, together with a Golf parked next to it.
A few minutes later, a passer-by discovered a burning DHL vehicle in the Thaerstr.
The state security took up the investigations.
Source: Berliner Zeitung
Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)
Berlin, 22 of January 2009
a claim we received:
„Attack the handymen of the nuclear-lobby
Before the Castor's transport 2008 took place, several railways line have been sabotaged through hookclaws in France and Germany. Shortly afterwards, 9 comrades have been arrested in France, accused of membership within a terrorist organization and of being responsible of the sabotages.
One of them is still in prison.
It is not a new thing, that in France one inprison activist upon antiterror laws. Already in January 2008, it came to the imprisonment of five persons, described by cops and press as part of the „ultraleftists, anarcho-autonomen“ movement, and they are waiting since then for their trial, in the dungeons of the french justice.
Such a way of proceeding seems to be a strong trend within european authorities responsible for the security issues. Also the german state security works a lot on its terrorist-construction, which newly landed in a trial against alleged members of the Militant Group.
In Greece, 13 youths are sitting in prison since the beginning of the December insurrection, also confronted with the antiterror paragraph.
That is why on the 22 of January we torched 5 cars of the Deutsche Bahn during the action week for the Tarnac 9.
As long as the Deutsche Bahn will keep on offering its railways for the nuclear transport, they will remain always a target of our protest.
Solidarity means attack
a few „ultra-leftists-anarcho-autonome“.“
More pictures here:

Car of a delivering service company (DHL) torched
Berlin, 21 of January 2009
Once again, some unknown persons, probably upon political reasons, torched a car in Berlin. The car of a delivering service company has been seriously damaged in the Manteuffelstr., Kreuzberg, as the police reports.
State security investigates, since a political motivation is suspected.
Already on monday, another vehicle had been burned.
Source: Berliner zeitung
External fence property of the police damaged
Frankfurt's airport, 19 of January 2009
Monday the 19.1.09 one reckoned that unknown persons damaged the external fence put by the police had been seriously damaged, precisely on its northern and western side.
The amount of the damage is quite high.
Tuesday the 20.1.09, a group, which is clearly against the expansion of the airport and calls itself „frankfurt's general sweeping blow“ (n.t.: wordgame in german, the group name is almost the same as the one of the most important frankfurt's newspaper), took responsability for the attack by sending a claim.
Solidarity with the „frankfurt's common sweeping blow“!

DHL heavy good vehicle burned
Berlin, 19 of January 2009
A communique we received:
„In the night to the 19 of January, our anger about the present conditions release released its flames against a hevy good vehicle of the Deutsche Heeres Logistik (DHL).
Here a few sentences from a text which comes from the discussion during the „long day of antimilitarism“ (26.10.08) in Berlin.
One can find the complete text and further infos on DHL in internet or under dhl.blogsport.de.
„(...) This is the biggest task of the german transport section up to date, as also the most extensive project of privatization and restructuration done by the german Army.
The latter will give a large part of its logistic to a civil company, through a public private partnership program. Concretely, it is about the storage and management of army material (excluding ammunitions, fuel and medical service) and the transport worldwide of warmachines, soldiers, ammunitions and fuel (...).
The german post made already in 2002 a contract with the army, where she takes up the national and international sending of important army documents, as also equipment and consumer's goods up to 50kg. (...)
DHL is an international market leader for what concerns international express sending and transport on earth, but also for international airsending and maritime, being as well the first company which offered its services of logistic straight after the economical sanctions of the UN against Iraq have been stopped back in May 2003. The main customer there is the US army, through which DHL avances from being a mere warprofiteer towards being actively involved as war and occupation helper. The german post AG, as mothercompany of DHL, is concerned about secrecy and tries to play down the role of the freight for the public opinion as a mere post service for us soldiers.(...).
Because of the difficult situation in terms of security, DHL uses tanked, unmarked vehicles. Just in afew, secure places they use the typical yellow DHL vehicles. The logistic operations are coordinated by Paul Gilett, an ex-army officer. From soldier to organizer of war logistic – just like him, most of „experts on foreign affairs“ of the iraqui DHL team have a background in the army.
Former english soldierts will be signed up for organizing the security of the transports.(...)
It is seems to be a worthwhile „comprehensive approach“ for an antimilitarist counterstrategy to attack the militarization in plain clothes“.
From the press:
Leftists groups claim responsability for some attacks
in Berlin, each week cars go in flames. Mostly this is directed against upperclass cars, but in the night to monday a heavy good vehicle of the DHL, sistercompany of the german post.
Now a group took responsability for eight attacks.
The line of politically motivated arsons against cars keep ongoing undisturbed throught the new year.
In the night to monday, a heavy good vehicle of the DHL got burned. A passer byer noticed the flames around 1am and called the fire brigade. Within the left scene, one makes often use of enflamable devices.
State securitys took up the investigations.
The cops declared this to be the number eight arson attack on cars in the new year. Within the last year, police registered 87 politically motivated arsons, from which 68 where on cars. 98 cars have been burned.
Police is powerless
By now one has a claim signed by a leftist group, claiming responsability for the arson of eight cars between Friedrichshain, Neukölln, Kreuzberg and Mitte, which took place last december. This „Movement for militant resistance (game of words in german: „bewegung für militante widerstand, bmw“) claimed to have done it against the „restructuration“ of poorer districts. The claim is under the motto „burning expensive cars versus gentrification“. Gentrification is the word which is used by left circles to describe the displacement of tennants from their original area through luxurious restructuring.
The group „BMW“ mean that such cars have been chosen exactly in those districts, where such process takes place at most. Within the claim one presents as well a way how to burn cars.
As said, police is powerless against such actions, since the latter can be done within few seconds and without notice.
Source: Tagespiegel
Pfullinger Neonazi tattostudio smashed
Reutlingen 18 of January 2009
Again the windows of the neonazi tattostudio „Ascheregen“ (Reutlingen – Pfullingen) have been smashed. The unknown authors left a graffiti reading „Smash neonazi shops – happy new year!“
The tattoostudio makes mostly national-popular symbols, such as Thor's hammer, runics, slogan as „Wotan's fighter“, but also clear fascist symbols as a private's head on a black sun.The tattoer:“ my feticism is about images of ancient popular cults, mostly german ones, or also celtic and biblical ones“. Neonazi as customers are not just tolerated, but rather offensively looked for.
There are clear personal connections between the workers and the owner with local neonazi.As example, regionwide known neonazi such as S.R. (functionar of the JN) and several known neonazis have been there.
The dresscode on the inauguration party has been shaped by outfits like skrewdriver, aryan brotherhood, thor steinar, skinheadkultur and black metal, but also more elegant guests.
Source: Indymedia
Arson attack against the social court
Potsdam, 15 of January 2009
The social court located in Potsdam has been deliberately set on fire in the night before. Damages reach the peak of about 10000 euros.
The unknown authors set the double wood door on the back in flames, say the director of the court.
The fire would have expanded then to the roof and damaged it rather badly, The facade became also quite darker and the carpet in the entrance got burned as well.
A few inhabitants of the Mangerstr. noticed the flames shortly past midnight and called the fire brigade. The latter needed 40 minutes to get the fire under control.
The director of the court describes the attack as „with a clear left-autonomous background“, one found some graffitis in the area. Among other, „red front“ and „class against class“, the latter written with a double dollar sign.
Source: PNN online
Arson attack against a jobcenter (dole office) in Charlottenburg
Berlin, 14 of January 2009
Unknown persons have tried to set the door of the building on fire, the cops report. Moreover, they threw bottles full of color against the building. Nobody got hurted.
There is no trace of the authors. Since cops do not exclude a political motivation, the state security investigates.
There has been another attack already against the same building, exactly on the 26.1.06. Unknown persons left a burning device there, which did not go off. Back then, a „militant coordination for a classstruggle from below“ took responsability.
Source: Tagespiegel
Three upperclass cars burned
Berlin, 14 of January 2008
Three cars have been destroyed by arson on the early hours of wednesday.
A passer byer notice a mercedes burning in the Wienerstr. (Kreuzberg) around 2.20am and called the cops. The firebrigade came to extinguish the fire, the car got seriously damaged though.
At Michaelkirchplatz, Mitte, a bmw burned around 3.15am.
Just 100m faraway, in Leuschnerdamm, Kreuzberg, another bmw burned. The fire brigade extinguished both fires. The cops suspect a political motivation behind the actions, state security investigates.
Source: Tagespiegel
Two cars and a moto burned down
Berlin, 10 of January 2009
Unknown person set last night a car and a moto on fire, in the Gethsemanestraße. The moto was a bmw, an opel car parked next got also damaged. Few minuted later, cops reckoned that an audi parked in the area was also in flames.
Since cops believe a political motivation behind the facts, state security investigates.
Source: Tagespiegel
Unknown persons set construction machines in flames
Berlin, 9 of January 2009
Unknown persons set up several construction machines in flames, it happened on a construction site in Pankow.
Inhabitants saw the flames on the spot, sited in the Richard-Ermisch-straße and called the cops.
A digger and two radlader got burned. State securtiy investigates, since a political motivation is believed, there is no trace of the authors.
Source: ddp
infos about the construction site:

Note for english speaking persons: several luxurious houses are being build on this spot, close to an area where several houseprojects are located.
Neonazi structures attacked
Erlangen, 8 of January 2008
After a year full of actions happened in Erlangen, the opening of the new year has been also promising good times. Following several actions happened to raise attention about the neonazi problem, like organizing some demonstrations, a few activists decided to fight the problem through direct actions.
During the past weeks, several attacks happened against neonazi structures.
Therefore the neonazi lawyer Stefan Böhmer, active on a national level, must have been really happy about the security glass windows of his working place getting smashed.
Stefan Böhmer, old man and always as guest at the Burschenschaft Frankonia (right wing organization), offers his work for right wings not only through defending the NPD for free (as example in Gräfenberg), as much as single persons (like Gerd Ittner), but also reclaim his inhuman ideology publicly.
Therefore he got sentenced to pay over 2000 euros for negating the holocaust.
The membership of such person within the Frankonia, shows exactly its political direction.
If this wouldn t be enough, neighbors complained as well about loud singing of the „horst wessel song“ (a dead neonazi „martyr“). This organization also tried, together with a few other neonazi, to smash the infoevent about „neonazi in pinstripes“.
Therefore it is clear why this Burschenschaft is considered a good target for local antifascists. That is why it got attacked on new year's eve with bottles full of color.
There have been afterwards some confrontation, which ended quite badly for the „Frankonen“. Also the Burschenschaft „Germania“ had a window smashed.
After such good signs, we really hope that 2009 is going to be a year full of actions, that fascism, as much as its roots, so capitalist reality, are going to be fought against.
Source: Indymedia
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