Saturday 14 February – benefit night at The Plough in Kilburn St, Easton, Bristol BS5 with bands and DJ’s – the Autonomads, Clayton Blizzard, and more details to follow. From 8pm, £4 suggested donation. This will be a split benefit for Greek defendants and for the Bristol EDO Decommisioners (see

Saturday 28 March – the Big Greek Benefit, at a central Bristol venue. Full details to follow.
Late March – a Greek info tour is being organised and should reach Bristol around this time, with speakers from Greece. More info

Available now – pamphlet on the Greek situation ‘How to organise an insurrection’. An interview by the Crimethinc ex-Workers collective, with activists from the Void network, Athens. Printed up by the Bristol anarchist bookfair collective and Bristol ABC Prisoner Support, available for £2 from the Kebele Infoshop. All proceeds to the Greek defendants fund. See

Prisoner support info – 31 January, from 11am to 2pm. Bristol ABC hosts the Kebele Saturday café and infoshop. Find out how you can support radical prisoners in Britain and abroad, such as the EDO Decommisioners on remand, the SHAC 7, and a long list of international activists. Get involved in fundraising efforts, letter writing and solidarity work, and find out about the new campaign against the proposed Titan prison building expansion programme. Bring a pen and write whilst you eat! See

Info sources on events in Greece:

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