Don’t forget to watch Chickens, Hugh and Tesco Too in Channel 4 tonight at 9pm. This programme will reveal what happened when Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall attempted to change Tesco’s policies of selling intensively reared chicken.
Compassion in World Farming features in tonight’s programme and has been instrumental in helping Hugh launch his campaign to give chickens a better life. You might remember that in June we helped to raise the £86,600 demanded by Tesco to bring Hugh’s resolution to their AGM, and provided scientific research and investigative footage to validate Hugh’s argument.
We also campaigned for consumers to raise their concerns with Tesco and placed adverts in national newspapers to encourage shareholders to support the resolution. Since then, we’ve been working together with Hugh encouraging the food industry to put high welfare standards at the top of their agenda.
Tesco fought our campaign all the way and the resolution was defeated, but following the failure of 20 per cent of shareholders to back the company's position – an unusually strong protest at a FTSE 100 AGM – Tesco began talks on chicken welfare. Watch tonight to find out more…
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welfare in slaughter?
27.01.2009 20:56
Welfare is synonmous with well-being. Is there any with a knife to the throat?
Give up the double-speak CIWF.
28.01.2009 14:17
Is it okay if there is a holocaust/genocide as long as the victims are treated okay beforehand?
I don't think so.
CIWF is just making a harder job for the Animal Rights Movement by making everyone believe in "happy meat".
28.01.2009 16:50
Eating less meat
30.01.2009 08:22
There was a program about pig farming in the same series last night, there's a number of interesting comments on that article
Beth Granter