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Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice: LONDON

londontruthaction | 25.01.2009 22:09 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Terror War | World

Pictures from London and the January 11th 'Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice' Street Action. Visit for more details on International Days of Truth Action and to see more pictures/reports from around the world.

This month we set up outside the National Portrait Gallery in Trafalgar Square. 20 people joined us and we gave out 800 dvds (with leaflets) and engaged with many members of the public. We also had a PA system and played peace songs.

Previous International Day of Truth Action reports:

July 11th 2008
April 11th 2008
March 11th 2008
February 11th 2008
January 11th 2008
December 11th 2007
November 11th 2007

Truth Revolution Radio: Indymedia and 9/11 truth - show from 1st March 2008 guests include Indymedia activists Chris Burnett from Los Angeles and Chris from Sheffield Indymedia.

Truth Revolution Video, 5 minute edit of Scott Noble's video Truth Revolution which documents the origins of the campaign for International Days of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month.

Advert-free archive of Truth Revolution radio.

Some suggested sites and resources for further information about September 11th 2001:


Truth Action
Truth Move
9-11 Review
9-11 Research
Journal of 9/11 Studies
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Complete 911 Timeline


September 11 Revisited
9/11 Press for Truth
The Elephant in the Room (Winner of 'Best Director' at the Portobello Film Festival and 'Best UK Documentary' at the London Independent Film Festival)

Other alternative media sites which cover 9/11 truth:


Unwelcome Guests
TUC Radio
Taking Aim


Global Research
Information Clearing House

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 20 comments

where's the truth?

25.01.2009 23:21

I notice that you reference 'The Elephant in the Room' which boasts an (ex?) MI5 agent as "Assistant Producer".

How deep does the connection between these groups and MI5 truly run?

I've asked a few times and even emailed these groups but I have never received an answer.

Indymedia and UK campaigners have a right to know if these groups are connected to MI5, as they appear to be.


just me

Hello Troll

26.01.2009 00:22

You're too obvious. Thanks.

Troll Eater

hows about this..

26.01.2009 01:02

Instead of calling me names you have a go at answering the questions?

It seems I've hit a nerve here..

Got something to hide?

just me

Another 'truth' site.

26.01.2009 08:36

This one does not seem to be listed above:
or this one:
Funny that, does other peoples 'truth' really hurt that much?



26.01.2009 08:43

Which MI5 officer is that then? The one who recently released a hilarious video claiming to be the messiah? Or his ex partner who has resigned from the TRUTH campaign and distanced herself from all association with it?


Indeed MI5 admit involvement

26.01.2009 09:39

Annie Machon has not distanced herself from the "truth" movement, in fact she has become even more involved. See who she is friends with on her site

Remember that some of these "groups" are nothing more than the same people with alternative branding and different websites (to dupe you with? maybe?)

just me

Yes throw Bush out of office...

26.01.2009 11:24

We can't let up on this until Bush and Cheney are thrown out of office. I mean if they get away with this what will they do next?

We also need to get to the truth about the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, that started an even bigger war. If Lloyd George gets away with it he will be unstoppable.

Flares and slippers

naw not yet

26.01.2009 12:07

When the truthers stop peddling lies on Indymedia I'll take time out from exposing them.

Claiming that Annie Machon has nothing to do with them is a perfect example of why we shouldn't tolerate their claims or propaganda. It just doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

I suspect they post here because they cannot get published on any other UK site.

just me

Bravo 911 Truth Activists!!!

26.01.2009 13:14

These 911 guys must be doing something right if they're attracting so many trolls eh!

I'm guessing they think Annie Machon is still MI5 even after she's written about her experiences:

Where's the evidence that she's working for MI5?

Is the only evidence Ms Machon is MI5 that she used to work for MI5? If so that's as ridiculous as it sounds.

How is giving dvds out doing anyone any harm exactly?


Friendly to 911 Truth

A bit of clarity

26.01.2009 13:15

There are many, many reasons why the 9/11 truth brigade are at best an embarrassment at worst doing the neocons dirty work for free. This piece in SCHNEWS neatly sums up some of the finer points:


On the fifth anniversary, SchNEWS gingerly dips a toe into the murky waters of the great 9-11 debate...

It’s the big fight over ‘the truth’. In the blue corner we have the US government’s official version of 9-11 events and in all the other corners we have proponents of various ‘conspiracy’ theories. But in these days of governments caught telling outright lies about WMDs etc, and a massive groundswell of cynicism about any official pronouncement - just what is a conspiracy theory? What happens when ‘common sense’ is hijacked and the fringe goes mainstream? And does it matter anyway?

The self-proclaimed 9-11 truth movement, in many ways a genuine grassroots movement (or cult?), is growing and its ideas are gradually filtering into the mainstream. No anti-war event is complete now without a new 9-11 conspiracy DVD and flyers to some new talk / book launch - and our inbox often overflows with new ‘revelations’. Every possible, and some quite impossible angles are covered - from the relatively mainstream question marks hanging over the US administration’s possible advance knowledge of the plot, to off-planet assertions about holograms, missiles and alien DNA. This kind of thing will always delight the ‘Elvis faked the moon landings with a black helicopter’ Internet crowd, but with polls showing that a third of Americans and nearly half of New Yorkers believing US officials either knew about the attacks or were actively involved, this represents a major uprising of disbelief. This has forced the US govt into producing a series of rebuttals, asserting their ‘truth’ and challenging the accusations.

The two main strands of theorising could be summed up as “they knew in advance” and “the whole thing was faked”. At the more plausible end we have the idea that the Neo-Cons had anticipated or were complicit in the events of 9-11. In any case, the event enabled them to put into practice an agenda for global domination hatched years before. It is all laid out in the year 2000 paper, ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ published by the Project for a New American Century, a think-tank whose members included Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz (See SchNEWS 387). It talked about the fact that a “catastrophic and catalyzing event - a new Pearl Harbor” would be needed to transform the public’s attitude to war. Certainly there were no flies on the Cheney-Bush axis when it came to taking advantage of 9-11’s propaganda value, and even now Bush routinely invokes it as an emblem of America’s need to be militarily aggressive.

At the other end of the reality spectrum, are those that are sure that all the buildings were pre-primed with explosives, that all the Jews who worked there were given advanced warning, that the planes never existed and were in fact holograms disguising missiles etc etc. The trouble with all these theories is that they require mind-boggling numbers of people to have been ‘in on it’. It seems unlikely that the clique responsible for the disaster in Iraq could have organised something so slickly. And why would they need to go to the trouble? Two planes striking the towers would have been more than enough to serve as the big catalytic terrorist event... And if you were orchestrating the whole thing, why bother faking it with missiles or holograms anyway? Just use real planes... much simpler.

Perhaps this is why too much speculation on these points leads inevitably to a paranoiac world view where only secret cabals who control everything from behind the scenes could pull the wool over everone’s eyes in such an all-encompassing way.


The ‘truths’ arrived at by some of these theories are so way out there, we began to wonder if they’d been spread deliberately to sow confusion, making it easier for the authorities to discredit the whole 9-11 debate by association. Conspiracy on conspiracy – where does it end?

There’s no doubt that big questions about the role of the US government remain unanswered (for example, relationships with Saudi elites), but it seems they’re in danger of being drowned out by the clamour of outright lunacy.

Poster-boy of the UK branch of the 9-11 Truth movement is former MI5 agent David Shayler. An acknowledged ‘insider’, he must have seemed a great asset to the fraternity. But at the Big Green Gathering this year, SchNEWS were confronted with the spectacle of a man who appeared to have swallowed and regurgitated the entire works of David “blame the lizards” Icke. No stone was left turned, no subject demystified as Dave told us how aliens have been negotiating with our government and 500 abductees are the only people who’ve got any real idea about all this 9-11 stuff. That includes 7/7 and 11/7 (date of Mumbai bombings by the way) - all evidence of an underground plot by a ‘shadow Zionist secret government’. Amongst other interesting points conjured forth were that the Royal family is descended from multi-dimensional Annunaki lizards (and ‘flaws’ in evolutionary theory prove it!) Riveting though this stuff is, it is, unfortunately, a load of bollocks.

On the other hand, the documented existence of a shadow world of CIA mounted black-ops and coups makes the idea that 9-11 was a ‘false flag’ operation seem within the realms of possibility. American intelligence has a long and bloody history of covert operations, instigating coups and funding opposition against those that challenge their authority. Coups such as the one on the less well remembered September 11th - 1973, when the CIA helped overthrow the democratically elected leader of Chile, Salvador Allende, and usher in a brutal military dictatorship. Doubts over 9-11, the cornerstone of the US’s ideological crusade, make it easier to appreciate that it’s just all in a days work for the US to fund and arm people like Saddam and the anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan, which gave rise to Al-Qaeda.

The fact that these theories are catching on so widely is partly due to the huge growth of scepticism about the role of governments in the entire War on Terror™. In this country we already know that our government plotted the war on Iraq well in advance, lied about Iraq’s WMDs and engaged in a systematic propaganda campaign to support the invasion. We know that our government, in alliance with the US, is engaged in secret renditions, torture and aggressive war. Public awareness of the true nature of power has probably never been higher - and the fact that so many are willing to believe that the US government may have slaughtered its own citizens shows how the ideological ground is shifting. It’s not, in the end, the truth of the allegations but the effect they’re having that’s important.

The 9-11 truth movement clearly sees the anti-war crowd as fertile recruiting ground (maybe we should return the compliment). They argue that proving 9-11 a hoax should be the main focus of any faction opposing the Neo-Con-men. But in reality, whether or not 9-11 was orchestrated, we should be concentrating on the broader US-led capitalist agendas, and their catastrophic consequences. 9-11 was a symptom rather than a cause of a ‘big picture’ which doesn’t need science fiction to explain it. World power is not a neat pyramid structure with aliens, Jews or a cabal of men with a secret handshake at the top. It makes more sense to see a range of competing power blocks, alliances and cartels in a shifting, perpetual power play – with governments, nationalist and business interests doing what they’ve always done, battling for control of land, resources, workforces and populations. There is one conspiracy that doesn’t lurk in smoky rooms behind closed doors – it’s called global capitalism.


@ Brightonian

26.01.2009 13:27

Wow, that's Schnews article is all strawman and no trousers.

Why don't you address the facts instead?

Friendly to 911 Truth

just asking!

26.01.2009 14:08

hey we're "just asking questions", right?

albeit about Machon and not some day in history.

you guys don't like it much when it's YOU being questioned about YOUR actions, YOUR motived, YOUR agenda.

not so truthie now are we? no no no.. you'll do anything to prevent people examining your organisation in detail and asking the "hard questions".

hyprocritical? just a bit.

just me

@ just me

26.01.2009 14:40

"you guys don't like it much when it's YOU being questioned about YOUR actions, YOUR motived, YOUR agenda. not so truthie now are we? no no no.. you'll do anything to prevent people examining your organisation in detail and asking the "hard questions". hyprocritical? just a bit."

Why don't you take a look at their website and quit being ridiculous?

" is an international autonomous grassroots campaign committed to raising public awareness about the true nature of the events of September 11th, 2001.

In London we try to hold at least one meetup per week, usually on Saturdays, and we take action on the eleventh day of every month until justice.

We encourage anyone to join our meetup group and get involved.

If you are not from the London, or not from the UK, start your own group or find existing groups and unite with people around the world taking action every 11th day of the month.

London Truth Action was started by We Are Change London (formerly We Are Change UK) in July 2008. We now have over 100 members"

Not a troll

you've proved my point for me

26.01.2009 15:23


WAC was formed with the involvement of an (ex?) MI5 agent.

WAC created the london truth action group (and other groups).


And for pointing out this fact, to which you agree with, you call me a troll.


Should we talk about MWH next?


The prediction that you lot would try to infiltrate the antiwar movement was made several years ago.

Face it, everything you do in this country, and I do mean everything, has and will continue to be rejected by savy peace campaigners.

It may have taken some a while to see through the games that are being played but you guys have not fooled many. I understand there is no bad personal feelings in this, I know you're what they call a "useful idiot" (a truther term, not mine), it's just political.

When you "wake up" and realise the damage you could have done (I say could because everyone reading this knows you have failed) don't let the dodgy looks and little whispers over a pint of beer put you off your future "activism" as you attempt to join a genuine group.

Time is a healer. See you there, eventually.

just me

Keep ducking those awkward truths.

26.01.2009 15:30

"Wow, that's Schnews article is all strawman and no trousers. "

Well I suppose that is easier than addressing any of the issues raised by Schnews in their article?

Oh yes and "over 100 members". Really? The most ever seen on the streets of Brighton is 5. There seems to me no more than 6 in the photos above and even at the height of 9/11 truth popularity in 2006 the most you lot could manage was around 40 at the STW national demo in Manchester. Since then your 'movement' has been in visible decline with nothing new to say other than recycled conspiracy theories. Are there really 100 members? If so where are they? Are are they just blips on a computer screen?


this is a joke

26.01.2009 15:36

How do you truthers fail to see the laughing stock you've become? Do you honestly believe every non-truther reading Indymedia isn't laughing at you everytime you 'spend a day being an activist' and proudly show off your pictures and youtube clips?

It's an honest question but I don't expect an honest answer. You'll just call me a name or something.

Let me tell you something, there's ongoing direct action in this country that is too risky to boast about, so carry on handing out your leaflets and uploading your videos where it's safe, where your contollers can monitor you.

Well done. You and your free DVDs are an inspiration.

I'd like to add

@ The Trolls

26.01.2009 16:21

Indymedia = "A network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues"

Ad hominem, evidence free accusations, strawman arguments, threats, bullying tactics etc make the difference between us and yourselves all the more evident.

We're more than welcome here. Get used to it.

911 Truth & Peace Activist

You're Here! You're Weird! We're Used To It!

26.01.2009 17:18

Without getting into a topic that shouldn't be raised here and should be kept for the moderation threads, at every single meeting that I have been to up and down the country, the state of Indymedia is being discussed. Don't believe me? Check out the massive drop in activity over the last year, check out what other radical networks are saying about it.

Chris you have posted guidelines on truther sites for them to ensure their message gets published. You gave them a step by step guide on how to get away with turning Indymedia into a parody of itself.

You had to teach them how to conduct themselves on this newswire, when it's obvious to everyone else who posts here, we don't need training. They do.

They might conduct themselves in a barely acceptable manner on here at the moment but in the real world we both know it's a very different story. And that's where the anger comes from.

Not from their little rants on a website, but from the way they treat people in the real world aswell.

I dare you to deny this aswell. I dare you.

now thats funny

A bit of restraint please.

26.01.2009 20:08

"Chris you have posted guidelines on truther sites for them to ensure their message gets published. You gave them a step by step guide on how to get away with turning Indymedia into a parody of itself."

Ok before this turns into yet another deeply personal slanging match I would like to point out the following:

1) Much as it is bloody easy to have a go at individuals over this issue (Shayler being a very good example) it is my opinion that the truthers can be easily made to look like the buffoons they are without personal attacks.
2) I may have had many gloves-off arguments with Chris and others over this but that is on a dedicated list NOT the newswire as this is a forum for news and related comment. NOT a bitching forum.
3) Although I can't speak for Chris, it is my opinion that he takes on board the opinions of others in the collective. To this effect he has not done anything similar to the radio article that the above poster is referring to. He is also one of the hardest working people in the IMC UK collective as well as finding time to constantly publish good quality grass roots news from his locality.
4) In my experience Chris publishes under his own name or initials so there is NO evidence to even suggest that he has read this read or contributed to it.

So lets keep it cordial folks and not start fingering individuals...

I suppose while I'm here it would be a shame not to contribute my own tuppence worth to the comments above. Sadly life is too short to waste my time on crap conspiracy theories so as usual I'm going to spend a whole 10 seconds pasting these words from Monbiot which neatly sum up my views:

9/11 conspiracism is dragging activists away from the real issues

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 6th February 2007

There is a virus sweeping the world. It infects opponents of the Bush government, sucks their brains out through their eyes and turns them into gibbering idiots. First cultivated in a laboratory in the United States, the strain reached these shores a few months ago. In the past fortnight it has become an epidemic. Scarcely a day now passes without someone possessed by this sickness, eyes rolling, lips flecked with foam, trying to infect me. The disease is called Loose Change. It is a film made by three young men which airs most of the standard conspiracy theories about the attacks of September 11 2001. Unlike the other 9/11 conspiracy films, Loose Change is sharp and swift, with a thumping soundtrack, slick graphics and a calm and authoritative voiceover. Its makers claim that it has now been watched by 100 million people.The Pentagon, the film maintains, was not hit by a commercial airliner. There was “no discernable trace” of a plane found in the wreckage, and the entrance and exit holes in the building were far too small. It was hit by a Cruise missile. The twin towers were brought down by means of “a carefully planned controlled demolition”. You can see the small puffs of smoke caused by explosives just below the cascading sections. All other hypotheses are implausible: the fire was not hot enough to melt steel and the towers fell too quickly. Building 7 was destroyed by the same means a few hours later.

Flight 93 did not crash, but was redirected to Cleveland Airport, where the passengers were taken into a NASA building and never seen again. Their voices had been cloned by the Los Alamos laboratories and used to make fake calls to their relatives. The footage of Osama Bin Laden, claiming responsibility for the attacks, was faked. The US government carried out this great crime for four reasons: to help Larry Silverstein, who leased the towers, to collect his insurance money; to assist insider traders betting on falling airline stocks; to steal the gold in the basement; and to grant George Bush new executive powers, so that he could carry out his plans for world domination.

Even if you have seen or read no other accounts of 9/11, and your brain has not yet been liquidised, a few problems must occur to you. The first is the complete absence of scientific advice. At one point the presenter asks “So what brought down the Twin Towers? Let’s ask the experts.” But they don’t ask the experts. The film makers take some old quotes, edit them to remove any contradictions, then denounce all subsequent retractions as further evidence of conspiracy.

The only people they interview are a janitor, a group of firemen and a flight instructor. They let the janitor speak at length, but cut the firemen off in mid-sentence. The flight instructor speaks in short clips, which give the impression that his pupil, the hijacker Hani Hanjour, was incapable of hitting the Pentagon. Elsewhere he has said the opposite: he had “no doubt” that Hanjour could have done it(1).

Where are the structural engineers, the materials scientists, the specialists in ballistics, explosives or fire? The film makers now say that the third edition of the film will be fact-checked by an expert, but he turns out to be “a theology professor”(2). They don’t name him, but I would bet that it’s David Ray Griffin, who also happens to be the high priest of the 9/11 conspiracists.

The next evident flaw is that the plot they propose must have involved tens of thousands of people. It could not have been executed without the help of demolition experts, the security firms guarding the World Trade Centre, Mayor Giuliani (who hastily disposed of the remains), much of the US Air Force, the Federal Aviation Administration and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the relatives of the people “killed” in the plane crashes, the rest of the Pentagon’s staff, the Los Alamos laboratories, the FBI, the CIA and the investigators who picked through the rubble.

If there is one universal American characteristic it is a confessional culture which permits no one with a good story to keep his mouth shut. People appear on the Jerry Springer Show to admit to carnal relations with their tractors. Yet none of the participants in this monumental crime has sought to blow the whistle - before, during or after the attacks. No one has volunteered to tell the greatest story ever told.

Read some conflicting accounts, and Loose Change’s case crumbles faster than the Twin Towers. Hundreds of people saw a plane hit the Pentagon. Because it collided with one of the world’s best- defended buildings at full speed, the plane was pulverised: even so, both plane parts and body parts were in fact recovered. The wings and tail disintegrated when they hit the wall, which is why the holes weren’t bigger(3).

The failure of the Twin Towers has been exhaustively documented by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Far from being impossible, the collapse turns out to have been inevitable. The planes cut some of the support columns and ignited fires sufficient to weaken (but not melt) the remaining steel structures. As the perimeter columns buckled, the weight of the collapsing top stories generated a momentum the rest of the building could not arrest. Puffs of smoke were blown out of the structure by compression as the building fell(4).

Counterpunch, the radical leftwing magazine, commissioned its own expert - an aerospace and mechanical engineer - to test the official findings(5). He shows that the institute must have been right. He also demonstrates how Building 7 collapsed. Burning debris falling from the twin towers ruptured the oil pipes feeding its emergency generators. The reduction in pressure triggered the automatic pumping system, which poured thousands of gallons of diesel onto the fire. The support trusses weakened and buckled and the building imploded(6). Popular Mechanics magazine polled 300 experts and came to the same conclusions(7).

So the critics - even Counterpunch - are labelled co-conspirators, and the plot expands until it comes to involve a substantial part of the world’s population. There is no reasoning with this madness.

People believe Loose Change because it proposes a closed world: comprehensible, controllable, small. Despite the great evil which runs it, it is more companionable than the chaos which really governs our lives, a world without destination or purpose. This neat story draws campaigners away from real issues - global warming, the Iraq war, nuclear weapons, privatisation, inequality - while permanently wrecking their credibility. Bush did capitalise on the attacks, and he did follow a pre-existing agenda, spelt out, as Loose Change says, by the Project for a New American Century. But by drowning this truth in an ocean of nonsense, the conspiracists ensure that it can never again be taken seriously.

The film’s greatest flaw is this: the men who made it are still alive. If the US government is running an all-knowing, all-encompassing conspiracy, why did it not snuff them out long ago? There is only one possible explanation. They are in fact agents of the Bush regime, employed to distract people from its real abuses of power. This, if you are inclined to believe such stories, is surely a more plausible theory than the one proposed in Loose Change.

Bayoneting a Scarecrow
Posted February 20, 2007

The 9/11 conspiracy theories are a coward’s cult.

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 20th February 2007

“You did this hit piece because your corporate masters instructed you to. You are a controlled asset of the New World Order … bought and paid for.”(1) “Everyone has some skeleton in the cupboard. How else would MI5 and the Special Branch recruit agents?”(2) “Shill, traitor, sleeper”, “leftwing gatekeeper”, “accessory after the fact”, “political whore of the biggest conspiracy of them all.”

These are a few of the measured responses to my article, a fortnight ago, about the film Loose Change, which maintains that the US government destroyed the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Having spent years building up my left-wing credibility on behalf of my paymasters in MI5, I’ve blown it. I overplayed my hand, and have been exposed, like Bush and Cheney, by a bunch of kids with laptops. My handlers are furious.

I believe that George Bush is surrounded by some of the most scheming, devious, ruthless men to have found their way into government since the days of the Borgias. I believe that they were criminally negligent in failing to respond to intelligence about a potential attack by Al Qaeda, and that they have sought to disguise their incompetence by classifying crucial documents. I believe, too, that the Bush government seized the opportunity provided by the attacks to pursue a long-standing plan to invade Iraq and reshape the Middle East, knowing full well that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush deliberately misled the American people about the links between 9/11 and Iraq and about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. He is responsible for the murder of many tens of thousands of Iraqis.

But none of this is sufficient. To qualify as a true opponent of the Bush regime, you must also now believe that it is capable of magic. It could blast the Pentagon with a cruise missile, while persuading hundreds of onlookers that they saw a plane. It could wire every floor of the Twin Towers with explosives without attracting attention, and prime the charges (though planes had ploughed through the middle of the sequence) to drop each tower in a perfectly-timed collapse. It could make Flight 93 disappear into thin air, and somehow ensure that the relatives of the passengers collaborated with the deception. It could recruit tens of thousands of conspirators to participate in these great crimes, and induce them all to kept their mouths shut, for ever.

In other words, you must believe that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their pals are all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful, despite the fact that they were incapable of faking either weapons of mass destruction or any evidence at Ground Zero that Saddam Hussein was responsible. You must believe that the impression of cackhandedness and incompetence they have managed to project since taking office is a front. Otherwise you are a traitor and a spy.

Why do I bother with these morons? Because they are destroying the movements which some of us have spent a long time trying to build. Those of us who believe that the crucial global issues - climate change, the Iraq war, nuclear proliferation, inequality - are insufficiently debated in parliament or congress; that corporate power stands too heavily on democracy; that war criminals, cheats and liars are not being held to account, have invested our efforts in movements outside the mainstream political process. These, we are now discovering, are peculiarly susceptible to this epidemic of gibberish.

The obvious corollorary to the belief that the Bush administration is all-powerful is that the rest of us are completely powerless. In fact it seems to me that the purpose of the “9/11 truth movement” is to be powerless. The omnipotence of the Bush regime is the coward’s fantasy, an excuse for inaction used by those who don’t have the stomach to engage in real political fights.

Let me give you an example. The column I wrote about Loose Change two weeks ago The column I wrote about Loose Change two weeks ago generated 777 posts on Comment is Free, which is almost a record. Most of them were furious.. The response from a producer of the film, published last week, attracted 467(2). On the same day I published an article about a genuine, demonstrable conspiracy: a spy network feeding confidential information from an arms control campaign to Britain’s biggest weapons manufacturer, BAE. It drew 60 responses(3). The members of the 9/11 cult weren’t interested. If they were, they might have had to do something. The great virtue of a fake conspiracy is that it calls on you to do nothing.

The 9/11 conspiracy theories are a displacement activity. A displacement activity is something you do because you feel incapable of doing what you ought to do. A squirrel sees a larger squirrel stealing its hoard of nuts. Instead of attacking its rival, it sinks its teeth into a tree and starts ripping it to pieces. Faced with the mountainous challenge of the real issues we must confront, the chickens in the “truth” movement focus instead on a fairytale, knowing that nothing they do or say will count, knowing that because the perpetrators don’t exist, they can’t fight back. They demonstrate their courage by repeatedly bayoneting a scarecrow.

Many of those who posted responses on Comment is Free contend that Loose Change (which was neatly demolished in the BBC’s film The Conspiracy Files on Sunday night) is a poor representation of the conspiracists’ case. They urge us instead to visit websites like, and, and to read articles by the theology professor David Ray Griffin and the physicist Steven E. Jones. Concerned that I might have missed something, I have now done all those things, and have come across exactly the same concatenation of ill-attested nonsense as I saw in Loose Change. In all these cases you will find wild supposition raised to the status of incontrovertible fact; rumour and confusion transformed into evidence; selective editing; the citation of fake experts; the dismissal of real ones. Doubtless I will now be told that these are not the true believers: I will need to dive into another vat of tripe to get to the heart of the conspiracy.

The 9/11 truthers remind me of nothing so much as the climate-change deniers, cherry-picking their evidence, seizing any excuse for ignoring the arguments of their opponents. Witness the respondents to my Loose Change column who maintain that the magazine Popular Mechanics, which has ripped the demolition theories apart, is a government front. They know this because one of its editors, Benjamin Chertoff, is the brother/nephew/first cousin of the US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. (They are, as far as Benjamin can discover, unrelated, but what does he know?(4)).

Like the millenarian fantasies which helped to destroy the Levellers as a political force in the mid-17th century, this crazy distraction presents a mortal danger to popular oppositional movements. If I were Bush or Blair, nothing would please me more than to see my opponents making idiots of themselves, while devoting their lives to chasing a phantom. But as a controlled asset of the New World Order, I would say that, wouldn’t I? It’s all part of the plot.


FUD and Newton's Third Law.

27.01.2009 00:33

Intelligence Services (IS's) only employ Psychopaths with either Social Dominance Oriented or Authoritarian Personality Types (see Adorno, Altemeyer et al)

FUD=Fear, Uncetainty Doubt. a method used by IS's to disrupt people and groups.

Machon joins 9-11 truth so that trolls can slag off the truth "movement" on posts like this without having to look at any evidence such as the empirical data gathered from the video evidence.

9/11 = False Flag Operation on behalf of the Ruling Class (some prefer Ruling Elite)
How do I know?
Newton's Third Law.

Boycott Oil



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