Urgently need two sureties in Bury to stand bail for Raphael and his mum. Sureties must be resident in the UK and will be subject to a police check. If you can help please get back immediately to:

Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Raphael and his mother are released. Please use the updated 'model letter' RaphaelShaubaJS.doc attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include HO ref: S/38066/3
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"

Online petition: Asylum for the Kazadi family!

Download model letter

Online petition to demand immediate release of Gamal Gabbary and granting him political asylum in UK
Mr. Gamal Gabbary, who was born on 23/08/1970, is an Iranian Kurdish political asylum seeker has been detained by the U.K immigration since 02/Dec/2008.
Mr. Gabbary fled Iranian Kurdistan in 2006 feared from being prosecuted. Mr. Gabbary had been targeted by the Iranian authorities due to his Kurdish ethnicity and his political activity with KDPI.

'Average female life expectancy in Zimbabwe 34 years'
Mr. Ivan Lewis: The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated in 2006 that the average female life expectancy in Zimbabwe was 34 years of age. This is the most recent estimate. There are no statistics on average life expectancy of women of child bearing age specifically in Zimbabwe. Recent demographic estimates suggest that women of reproductive age have a one in 16 lifetime chance of dying as a result of pregnancy and childbirth.
Zimbabwe: Life Expectancy / House of Commons / 21 Jan 2009 : Column 1516W

Asylum Election Pledge
Before the next election, Liberty is calling on all MPs and parliamentary candidates to sign our asylum election pledge.
Please lobby your MP and parliamentary candidates and ask them to remember Britain's history as a place of refuge for the persecuted. Show your representatives that you reject xenophobia in discussions about asylum and immigration policy.
The pledge we are asking your MP to sign:
"There is no place for racism and xenophobia in modern British politics. Nor is democratic debate advanced by the denigration of the most vulnerable in our country, including children and asylum seekers who do not enjoy the right to participate in elections.
I promise to remember the importance of refugee protection, even in free and wide-ranging debates about immigration policy. I will never play fast and loose with the proud tradition of a nation that must always offer succour to those in genuine fear of persecution."
Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty, said:
"The time has come for a clear and respectful warning to those who hold or seek power over the most vulnerable people in this land. Britain hates bullies and finds them no more attractive in red, blue or striped clothing. Do not underestimate the ocean of common decency in the oldest democracy on Earth. We will be watching."
To discover who your MP is visit

To write to your MP visit

Find out more about Britain's legal obligation to refugees visit on the UNHCR website.
Remember to let us know how your MP or Electoral candidate responds to your pledge request!
Liberty: Protecting civil liberties / Promoting human rights
