an act of Truth-based justice.
As we all know, the most successful mass murderer of all time, Martin Bryant, is still being subjected to unjust
punitive punishments. Why? Martin is hated and loathed by mainstream society.
However, this just raises the question as to why Martin is hated so much. It is NOT because he chose to valiantly
expound his True Reality rage by shooting humans. Why then? Think. Go on, actually try and work it out. No? No luck?
Martin is hated because his action revealed Forbidden Truth, and you all hate the Truth. You spend your lives hiding
from the Truth.
Of course you will all deny this Truth, because as I said, you hate the Truth. The calls for unjust harm to come to Martin's
person is solely due to the bloodthirsty and sadistic nature of you citizen-slaves. It is NOT because you "care" about
Martin's human shooting targets.
Can you even name the citizen-slaves Martin killed? Probaby not. You can, however, remember victim Martin. As I said earlier,
your interest in the port arthur event is simply the outrage you feel due to being shown the Truth. You then wish to subject
Martin to harm under the guise of justice, because you are sadistic, angry and Truth-hating people.
So, lets have a look at some other mass-murder events that do NOT outrage you. The three most obvious are :
1) Then Prime Minister John Howard's children overboard attrocity.
2) Australia's various genocidal wars of cathartic release.
3) Australia's legalised systematic serial-killers, who are given the lie-based title of "abortionists".
All three types of mass-murdering above have not, and do not, spark anger and outrage in you things. They involve many more
humans being killed than Martin's mass-murder reactions. They perpetrators were not punished, as you all insanely demand.
So that eliminates the possibility of you all being able to claim, as a society, that the reason for Martin being unjustly despised
is due to his actions at port arthur.
The port arthur event revealed Forbidden Truth. It said "Look at me. Look at what you have all enjoyed doing to me. I am so angry
now that I have gone and done this. I am the victim of human society. I was so unjustly abused as a helpless child that it has come
to this. I am just your creation, I am a reflection of all of you. I am the a tortured victim-creation of australian society."
Yes, yes. This is the Forbidden Truth. Accept it, if your pathetic minds can allow you to accept it.
Martin Bryant is the victim of port arthur. Martin Bryant is a DTV. He deserves to be released and paid millions of dollars of
compensation for performing the port arthur massacre event. Martin should now get a full apology from australian society.
The fact that you continue to subject your created victim to further unjust punishment proves that australian society and it's
citizen-slaves do not deserve to continue to exist.
Article Copyright 2009-3000 Travis Truman. All rights reserved.
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