The Industrial Estate where UAV are based and Shenstone Village were leafleted to raise awareness amongst the public of UAV Ltd's link with the arms trade to Israel.
The protest was heavily policed, with one pointless arrest. The police initially tried to move the protest away from in front of the factory, but failed. UAV had informed the police that they were unwilling to talk to any protesters and police prevented us from delivering leaflets to the factory.
Background information;
On the 9/01/2009 The Guardian and Amnesty International both raised questions about a link between UEL, Silver Arrow, Elbit Systems and components in UAV drones used in Gaza. One of the allegations is that evidence seems to point to the Hermes 450 drone (ZIQ) which is being used in Gaza, containing engine components made by UEL. Elbit's own website state that UAV Ltd produces engines for the Hermes 450. (See link to Elbit Systems website). According to Janes International Defence Review “Elbit's U.K. based subsidiary, UEL, makes the engine for the Hermes 450.” (1 June 2003)
Out of the 1,230 people (and rising) killed so far it is estimated that around a third of these have been children. 50% of the population of Gaza are under the age of 18.
Write to your MP and MEP asking them for;
- an immediate end to Israeli military occupation,
- an immediate end to all military trade with Israel and suspension of the EU-Israel Trade Association Agreement,
- ask them to sign the Early Day Motions: 408 Gaza, 400 British Arms Sales to Israel.
For further information see;

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