The protesters, many of them students, dressed in period Edwardian costume, reminiscent of the Sufragettes. 'Climate Rush' are demanding that the UK government sticks to its promises on climate change - an issue that will affect us all - before it is too late.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
12.01.09. 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow, Terminal 1.
The atmosphere was very jolly, mischievous and not a little surreal...
People had a right old shindig, sang songs and ate a picnic in front of the flocks of attendant police.
The resounding chorus of the evening was "deeds not words" - a determined request to start DOING something about climate change, and the main message behind the 'Climate Rush' group.
It ended with a more serious speech via megaphone, explaining the aims of Climate Rush, and thanking people for coming.
As far as I understand the event went off peacefully, and there were no arrests.
Let's hope events like this are starting to have an effect.
The situation is dire. Time is running out.
'Climate Rush' website:

Plane Stupid:

HACAN clear skies:

(Images copyright Billy Macrae 2009. These lo-res versions may be distributed freely in connection with the event. Contact me for hi-res.)