We need to give DIRECT AID to the Palestinian people in Gaza!!!!!!!!!!!!
Along the way there are Stop the War Coalition/Socialist Worker buckets asking for money, and even two wheelie bins (ooh, expectant there) asking for donations “to help pay for the costs of the protest”. Hang on! Apart from the odd canape with your opposite number in forward intelligence, what can our so organised (and long-winded-speechy-type Socialist Worker brethren) be needing money for? A mystery? Anyway, I kind of assume this is to collect money for people in Gaza. But the small print weighs on my mind.
I pass the Israeli embassy, cold, and a bit bored, throwing stuff and getting in the way of stupid cops, when I see the glorious glastonbury-style TV and speaker relay. Am I outside Big Brother (telly, not George Orwell novel to which this is more akin). AHA! This is the cost of protest, and all those placards, and all the fluorescent bibs of cack-handed wannabee peace-cops herding people away from the embassy lest any 'freedom of speech per square protestor' be exceeded and the organisers have to pay an excess charge. No, we are to be channelled 400 yards from the embassy to this immense screen where some white middle class woman goes on repeatedly about how she 'is a Palestinian'. I'm sorry, but apart from anyone born there or being of Palestinian heritage, if you are going home to a warm bed, a bed, a a bed free from being rocketed into a non-bed, in the centre of london, you are not a PALESTINIAN. A big telly – is this the cost of protest?
I talk to some folks from Islamic Relief – still on the ground in Gaza providing practical aid. They are collecting for money too. Their money is being accounted for at a collection room at the Royal Albert Hall – and Stop the War/Socialist Worker, who counts your money? I ask the Islamic Relief folk about the money being collected for the 'costs of the protest'.
“Yeah, they asked us for a cut from our buckets, but we said no. They said they had spent 20,000 on the protest”.
Fuck the war
Fuck Stop the War
www.freegaza.org – these people are aiming to send another boat of direct aid to Gaza today, Sunday 10th January

Solidarity, Love and Rage xxx
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