11 photos from the day are attached.
Stop Israeli Massacres of Palestinians
Stop Israeli Genocide
Stop British Government Support for Israeli crimes
Demonstrate, Sunday 28th 4.30pm
- Glasgow: George Square
(Supported by MSPs Pauline McNeill & Sandra White, Scottish PSC, Scottish Friends of Palestine, Scotland Stop the War, Glasgow Central Mosque, Scottish Islamic Forum, Scottish Afghan Society, Lebanese Community in Scotland, Glasgow Palestine Human Rights Campaign)
- Edinburgh: Foot of the Mound, Princes Street
Edinburgh saw a protest of around 100 people by the Royal Academy of Scotland near the foot of the Mound in the space between East and West Princes Street gardens. Against a background of dozens of Palestinian flags, banners and placards read `Israel stop bombing Gaza`, Boycott to stop Israeli war crimes`, and `End Israeli war crimes`. Speakers included Kevin Connor and solidarity’s Willie Black.
11 photos from the day are attached.
Scottish Palestine solidarity:
Here are photos of the London demonstration:
Here is how the London demo was reported on the BBC:
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