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SHAC campaign against HLS continues despite the convictions says the Guardian

Mandy in Camden | 24.12.2008 10:25 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

Today's Guardian reveals that the campaign against HLS continues regardless of the trial & convictions of Heather, Dan & Dan, Gavin, Gregg and Natatsha and Gerrah. There are fears that if people can get a 14 yr sentence for daubing cars and sending sanitary towels in the post there are people who will "do something worth getting 14 yrs for", especially if people such as Heather recieve as such.


For those of you who don't know about HLS and SHAC....what happened is that Channel 4 went undercover and revealed such shocking bad practice and animal cruelty the nation was horrified. Data was falsified, men were filmed punching four month old beagles in the face, live autopsies were carried out on consious animals while scientists whooped and jeered, one "scientist" WAS in fact a convicted peadophile, workers were filmed playing a sex game with a dog, the Good Laboratory Practice was broken hundreds of times, the lab had their licence revoked and HLS workers were prosecuted.

As result of the TV footage and other undercover investigations and anumber of newspaper articles the SHAC campaign was formed.

Campaigners against HLS include trauma surgeon Jerry Vlasak who used to be vivisector and is now a prolific SHAC campaignes, Dr Joe Harris a cancer researcher and many others.

Mandy in Camden


Sign online govt petition against the Camden Lab!!

12.01.2009 14:46

Also contact Camden Counil
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

Stop The Camden Animal Lab
mail e-mail:


Hide the following 52 comments

For all of them please carry on campaigning, however you do it.

24.12.2008 10:47

The worse thing everyone can do now is to stop becuase of this. The SHAC campaign continues, as the Guardian says. As someone who knows Heather I know that she will NOT want you to feel sorry for her but to continue campaigning and I'm sure this goes for all the others. The look on Dan Wadhams face in the evening standard says it all. If you have just one stamp use it to campaign. Heather has said that she would give her life for the animals. She has also said regarding her sentence that her heart has been broken so many times because of animal cruelty there is nothing worse that they can do to her.

To the people who think that these people are "terrorists" - they are not. In fact a City of London police officer stated this very loudly in the street having attended demos with SHAC activists for years. The word "terrorists" is now used to describe anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with government policy and the government's biggest funders.

As for places such as HLS "carrying out legal work".....throughout history and across the world there have been many abhorrent but legal {at the time / place} atrocities.

It is time now especially for people to speak out and not hide away in silence over this.

For them and for all of us.

me again
- Homepage:

please go to the website to find out how you can help

24.12.2008 10:54

shac supporter
- Homepage:


24.12.2008 12:59

It's very worrying for all activists. If you can't run a simple campaign of threats and intimidation over several years sending letters, hoax bombs and used tampons through the post, what can you now do? Furthermore, it now appears that you can't even attack the children and other family members of people involved with HLS. It's surely just a matter of time before the fascist state that controlled the prosecution decides that even digging up dead bodies is beyond the pail. Fortunately, ordinary people support SHAC and are busy, as we write, digging up their own relatives, pouring acid over their own cars, and abusing their own children on the way to school in solidarity.

Two Bob

too Bob (anon too)

24.12.2008 13:19

And when you have finished trying (but sadly failing, but then again police officers tend not to have sense of humour) you can do some research into the many illegal acts that have taken place in British labs, (BUAV is a good place to start) or is that too hard for you, easier just to write trash and sarcasm under a false name? Just like most cowards who are involved in or condone animal abuse



24.12.2008 13:56

You've lost me Anon. Are you saying that criminal attacks by one group justify criminal attacks on innocent parties by another? You could justify any action you liked on that basis (unless this is what you are trying to do)?

One bob

But for how long Mandy?

24.12.2008 14:14

It will not be long before the rest are facing long jail terms because of their involvement in SHAC. I can bet your next dole cheque that an investigation has already started and a case is beign built.



24.12.2008 14:20

It should be worrying for all those scumbags who torture animals not for us - as the message is clear - we won't stop until the labs are closed.
It should be worrying for all those who still believe in law as you see simple protests/demos are not enough,
what's more hoax bombs, blackmails are useless - you can be put into a jail and that's all
Government is doing funny thing - pushing people to more extreme things - if I would be jailed I would want to know that it was worth of it ...



24.12.2008 15:22

Just shows what ignorant bigots are making remarks on here, I know of no one who I protest with who are on the dole, most are graduates and professionals, i.e. teachers, nurses, etc. Have had the remarks 'get a job' made on some protests by other ignorant bigots who have had their consciences pricked by our visual aids but then most of us have better job than the type who make those comments would ever dream of. But let Paul have his little dig, it is probably the only pleasure he gets, probably hunts and shoots himself.


What a laugh...

24.12.2008 17:52

anon, tell me what profession any of the convicted shac members are because I can tell you only one of the seven has works for a living... The fact of the matter is that most animal rights activists who regularly protest are on the dole, how else can they spend time doing so? Shac activists lived their life on hand-outs from street stalls, even both Shac-houses rent was paid for by a supporter. Only the best for the "Shacers" right down to the posh Apple Macs they purchased out of public monies not to mention the nights out on the town and they were many. Street stalls raised so much cash campaigns came from accross the pond to raise funds!!

It makes me sick when people go on about how badly done to shac activist are when in reality they deserve everything comming to them! The Averies have put animal rights back decades!! And achieved nothing for the cause except to give the government an excuse to close the movement down.


hang on a sec matey!....

24.12.2008 18:03

"probably hunts and shoots himself."

you didnt mean it like this but yes, we can only hope that he does in fact do us all a favour and shoots himself!

on a serious note though.... if some people who have commented above chose to actually look at the evidence in the case instead of relying on false reports from the corporate media machine then they would realise that no-one's "children and families" have EVER been attacked.... in fact the only injuries and fatalities sustained in this battle between the animal liberation movement and the animal abuse industry have ALL been on one side....jill phipps, mike hill, tom worby, barry horne to name but a the countless people that have been subject to REAL violence from animal abusers and bigots whether it be on the sabbing fields or on demonstrations.

the facts remain facts...despite what the daily mail may say, none of the four convicted activists had any direct links to ANY illegal direct actions....they were convicted on guilt by association. that old saying goes...throw enough mud and some of it will stick...and unfortunately for the animals inside HLS, the mud did stick this time.

and despite also what the press may say...this is not the end of the shac matter how much the police and governemnt wish it was. Shac is a passion and a belief, an idea that transcends all prison walls, courtroom buildings and fascist media reports...and whilst those poor four activists are certainly staring years in jail in the face....HLS are staring something much much more formidable in the face...the animal liberation movement.


Ever heard of shift work Paul?

24.12.2008 19:26

'most animal rights activists who regularly protest are on the dole, how else can they spend time doing so?'
Well you probably work 9-5 in a boring old stuffy job (if you work at all that is) but many of us do not to so have spare time to spend campaiging against animal abuse, instead painting our nails or peevishly writing nasty comments on a web site. I am sure you do not yell 'get a job' at shoppers, people playing football etc do you Paul? Well they are spending their spare time how they like and campaigners spend their spare time campaigining. Now in my book that speaks volumes. Paul, your comments also speak volumes about you, Bigot, bigot, bigot.

hard working anon

For the record...

24.12.2008 19:41

I have been heavily involved in the SHAC campaign and I can assure everyone that the year I took out to be a full time campaigner did not include even one night out. I lived off of my credit card (and police compensation) for luxuries such as soap etc. I have worked closely with many of the defendants and testify that they worked 18 hour days 7 days a week as did I for that period of time. I am a midwife and a registered nurse so I am a professional as is Sarah also a registered nurse and Dr Vlasak a trauma surgeon.
All of the defendants worked themselves to the bone to stop HLS forcing the state to resort to extraordinary depths of repression to shut them up.

Lynn sawyer


24.12.2008 21:43

Thing is I have spent mucho time in and around who I speak of and know more than you think, you on the other hand haven't and speak shit ;)

From someone who knows...


Ms Saywer

24.12.2008 21:50

Are you saying that Greg, Natasha worked for a living? Gisbourn funded her activism from stalls having many bags of change on her when arrested. You yourself were dropped in the shit by shac when hls went for your house. Care to here more?

Paul many times have Jerry Vlasak & Joe Harris been told to "get a job"?

25.12.2008 11:29

And you've missed the point completely anyway.
No-one was ever charged or convicted of digging up any bodies.
If any other member of the public daubed paint on someone's car or sent a tampon through the post they would not be getting fourteen years for it. All this does is make people even more sceptical about the nature of the lawmaking around animal defence campaigns or ANY campign against the pharmaceutical industry. As for "attacks on children", no children have been attacked by anyone in AR but children HAVE been maimed by the paharmaceutical industry, Thalidomide, Agent Orange and so on. the police are "building a case against anyone that dares to speak out against this and they all expect to go to prison". Well, this has happened before on other campaigns....leading to worldwide condemnation and subsequent support all over the world with the effect that eventually thoe people involved were seen as heroes. Nelson Mandela for example who was described as terrorist for speaking out. While I don't feel that what happened in south Africa and animal testing are the same thing the constant and ever rapid erosion of our civil liberties means that people ARE being described as "terrorists" for having an opinion and recieving disproportionate sentences for voicing an opinion.
While having a car duabed or tampax sent through the post is unpleasant it dosen't warrant fourteen years.
And just who exactly have you "spent mucho time around" then, prick? Why don't you have the bollcks to write your own, full name on here?
Funny thing is....there is agroup called "seriously ill against vivisection"...which comprises many disabled people and people who are terminally ill who do not believe that animal testing works. these peole are abused by ignorant people like yourself who shout "get a job" to these people.
As for the Camden campaign...most of the people who will be directly affected by a potential virus leak from the lab are mostly Camden's poor....are you telling me that they don't deserve to have a voice because they are skint? Why not build the lab where the people "with good jobs" all live then? Are these the only people who are allowed to speak out? Tell you what, why don't we go further and ban everyone on the dole / disabled people from having a vote?
Instead of personality attacks on people why don't you have anything new to say about any of the actual issues involved?
Vioxx for example.
How the people on the Somers Town Estate don't want deadly virus lab on their doorstep....hey Paul why don't you take a walk around that etstae and tell all the people there that as many of them are poor that they don't have the right to speak out and and that they are all going to jail if they do.


Paul spent time "in" {?} and "around" who he speaks of and "you haven't"...

25.12.2008 11:42

Speaks volumes. But I can assure you that whoever this cretin actually is...he doesn't know who "anon" is and I can assure you that he has NEVER been "in" or "around" me unless it's in his pervy, wanky little dreams.
I doubt that he has ever been "in" or "around" anyone else either. Dickhead.
And how he can say that he "knows more about campaigners" than people like Lynn Sawyer is beyond silly. Just goes to show how sad these people are.


Oh dear "Paul"...touch of the woman hatred there I think....Why so rattled?

25.12.2008 12:00

"Paul" have not spent any time "in or around" anybody unless under the covers by yourself.
Not only that, I think it's about time you went to see a professional about your feelings towards women.


all of Paul's venom is toward Mandy Lynn and Sarah who he dreams of being "in".

25.12.2008 12:15

How come all of your venom is directed towards Mandy, Lynn and Sarah? Sure there's not something else going on here "Paul"? Like misogyny? You sad, sad "man".
As for "spending much much time around in and around" these and where?
Obviously no-one can stop you wanking from afar and writing this drivel with a false name on but you should think about the seriousness of a coutry that sentences people for DISSENT.
The result of the ever increasing erosion of civil liberties and the right to speak out from a government that is clearly working for pharmaceutical corporate paymasters is that people will vote them out. End of. Simple.
When the police are using "terror" legislation to raid the homes of the rival political party then everyone will see this government out.
However...we could all be jailed for doing this. After all it has happened in other countries where people have been jailed for voting "wrongly". Think that couldn't happen here? Do you think that if you told people across the world and througout history that certain things "wouldn't happen" there / /now....what would they have said?

"Paul"...get some help.


There are only two people called Paul who KNOW any of these people and

25.12.2008 12:19

neither of them wrote this horrible thinly disguised sexual frustration.

One of them is awell known campaigner who would never, ever write this and the other is Paul from the city Police who wouldn't write this with his own name on either.

"Paul" ....would you be kind enough to post your picture up on here as your next comment? Just so everyone can see who this wanker REALLY is? When you've finished panting over who you are "in" and "around" that is.


Dear Paul

25.12.2008 12:25

Thankyou for your concern but my relationship with Greg, Natasha and Heather is a private matter, I'm not exactly perfect either. My priorities are the animals, the movement and the welfare of all defendants who are facing more time in prison than child rapists. We should all be able to put personal differences behind us and pull together.
All of the defendants regardless of what anyone may think of them as individuals are brave, compassionate, intelligent people who worked bloody hard to stop the abomination that is HLS. They deserve our support.
As for Greg, Natasha, Heather and Sarah not having "proper" jobs surely the same accusation could be made of anyone who works as a full time activist for example Brian Haw (an inspiration to us all), or maybe the brave sea sheperd crew, or those who work for Age Concern etc, maybe they should all be shamed into working at Tesco's or something but I for one think that activism is a more worthwhile pursuit and less well paid!

Lynn Sawyer

Usual tactics to try and split the movement not working then...

25.12.2008 14:14

... didn't think so!


Paul...people do not get "dole cheques". SHAC cash shows public SUPPORT.

25.12.2008 14:51

Firstly, the amount of money donated to SHAC shows just how much public support there is for the campaign.
Secondly, people don't get "dole cheques", they have post office cards.
If someone is on benefits because they are either on the dole, on benefits as result of disability or mental ill health do you think that this stops them from having a right to an opinion?
Thirdly, SHAC did not have "many nights out". I remember that Heather went out around once, to the cinema which a relative paid for and she even felt guilty about this, feeling she should have been campaigning instead.
Fourthly, HLS workers have been prosecuted and were exposed on television falsifying tets data....this could potentially kill people who buy products that have been tested at this place. Many products that have been "tested" end up being withdrawn as people are maimed and killed.
Lastly, whoever you actually "are" are not who you are pretending to be and sound like a man with deep issues where women are concerned.


see to support the defendants.

25.12.2008 16:21

To support Heather, Dan, Gregg, Natasha and Gerrah and Dan please go to for details on addresses etc. They would love to hear from you and know that you are still campaigning and thinking of them. If demos are not your thing go to to see how else you can help.

- Homepage: http://see


25.12.2008 16:29

@Thankyou for your concern but my relationship with Greg, Natasha and Heather is a private matter, I'm not exactly perfect either. My priorities are the animals, the movement and the welfare of all defendants who are facing more time in prison than child rapists. We should all be able to put personal differences behind us and pull together.
All of the defendants regardless of what anyone may think of them as individuals are brave, compassionate, intelligent people who worked bloody hard to stop the abomination that is HLS. They deserve our support.
As for Greg, Natasha, Heather and Sarah not having "proper" jobs surely the same accusation could be made of anyone who works as a full time activist for example Brian Haw (an inspiration to us all), or maybe the brave sea sheperd crew, or those who work for Age Concern etc, maybe they should all be shamed into working at Tesco's or something but I for one think that activism is a more worthwhile pursuit and less well paid!@

Ms Sawyer, I didn't refer to anything private and well you know that it's public knowladge how Greg and Natasha Avery used you then dropped you like a hot brick when that use was over! You are just too nice too say anything against them, for the animals of course...

Each case is taken on it's own merits when it come to criminal law and I am sure we could pull out many cases of sex offenders getting long prison sentences as we could animal rights activist getting short or no sentence at all, you can vouch for that can't you?

Sea sheperd activists run on money donated just for that cause, running costs for ship etc Not for private self defence lessons, the latest apple mac (Greg enjoyed) and nights down at the local pub. If you are open about your campaign then all well and good but when you collect money for the wrong reasons it is not good.

Greg and Natasha have done nothing for the animal rights movement but destroy it for their own egos. It was only the last few months they got off their arses and went out on demos, they leteveryone else do all their dirty work and dropped them when their use was over.

Mandy you are a waste of oxegen we all know that much....

D, there isn't an activist I have come across that I couldn't handle face to face but that's not what the animal rights movement is all about is it? It doesn't take a big person to throw a brick through a window at the dead of night, paint strip a car or fire property. Let me tell you this though, you wouldn't know what to do if you did have my picture, shit yourself maybe?

Time for the animal rights movement to stand up and be counted instead of acting like kids smashing up property at night. I don't see the government smashing down the doors of Uncaged, Animal aid or Peta, do you? Wonder why......


to Paul

25.12.2008 21:26

Paul, sad little man ( I am sure you are little, it comes across). Your opinions of animal rights people are of no concern as the REAL AR movement does not need your approval nor cares about your condemnation when in actual fact you know very little and pretend to me on the inside. You are a copper, you have not the guts to admit it.
Lyn, you are a brave lady who has paid for your bravery by being abused by the Police, the Police that fine upstanding organisation who's wages we pay for by our taxes, the ones that got away with killing an innocent man on the tube. This silly littlel git Paul is par for the course, we have all dealt with far more than him and his ignorant bigotry.
SHAC will never die and AR is not just a group of a few high profile people, ever heard of 'the sum is greater than the parts' Paul? No, you cannot even spell so philosopy is just for us educated people, the professionals who work hard and spend our spare time campaigning instead of watching the box or drinking in the pub.


to anon

25.12.2008 23:23

The truth often hurts and your insults mean nothing. I have spent time at the house on Reading Road. You can try paint what picture you please it will not change the fact that shac was collecting money from people for the animals yet it went on other things such as private defence lessons, two houses, long term hire cars and expensive apple mac equipment. Oh let us not forget the the monies regularly sent to convicted alf activist gisbourne or the funds to drive them on regular visits..... I am sure that the public didn't expect this to happen with money donated in good faith!

I would like you to tell me what good has shac done for animals, I can see the good lifestyle they had funded by the public. So do tell me what the campaign has done to further the cause for animals in labs.


Ignore the troll

26.12.2008 10:27

All the anti-SHAC comments here look like the work of a single person who is trolling. They are probably the person who does the shacwatch website, and possibly have links with the filth, hence their inaccurate "inside knowledge", innuendo, misinformation and outright lies.

The animal rights movement is a wide one, we don't all agree on every aspect of things, but you can be sure anyone genuine is 100% supportive of the SHAC defendants and 100% committed to closing Huntingdon Life Sciences down.

Smash HLS!


Me the troll?

26.12.2008 18:55

anon you have done nothing but insult me just because I do not agree with the idea of shac and their methods. The truth is the truth no matter how many insults you throw this way.

Tell me anon, where did gisbourne live? She lived with Heather down in the other shac house in yatley. If you walk through the door her bedroom was right in front of you and heathers was to the right. I could go on to prove that I know much more than you about shac but you already know that don't you?

So please do tell us all what shac have done to help the cause of animals in labs today? All these insults are just childish.

Shac lived a good life at the expence of the public who donated to the cause of animals not for them to squander. Prove me wrong.


paul you are talking out of your copper arse

26.12.2008 20:13, you have described where heather and gisbournes bedrooms apparently were at their what. all that proves is that yes, you are indeed a filthy copper scumbag

secondly, your claim that shac and Gregg and Natasha have done nothing but destroy the AR movement is pathetic...that campaign has been one of the most successful campaigns in the world to date. When you consider the sheer size of the task, and the results shac have produced...the only sensible conclusion is that the campaign has damaged nothing but the vicious vivisection industry...and the reason that the police dont smash down the doors of peta and animal because they are not considered a genuine threat to the animal abuse machine like grassroots campaigns like shac are.

i think that using campaign money for self defence classes is more than appropriate for a serious grassroots organisation...if you had ever been on a demo yourself instead of lounging around on your filthy police arse you would know the type of violence that activists receive regularly from police and security guards. self defence also teaches people discipline, strength of mind, fitness and control...all extremely important things for any activist to be healthily involved in. I would be more than happy to have my donations spent on self defence. and then you bang on about driving to visit prisoners as if that is a waste of campaign money? do you have a brain copper?!!!!

and everyone knows that the reason they had their cars on long term hire was because they weren't allowed to own anything because it would automatically get taken off them and given to HLS. honestly people like you paul should be fucking ashamed of themselves...hanging around online stirring up shit about some of the most brave and selfless people in the country. you really shuold be ashamed of yourself. At least gregg and natasha have tried to close down HLS, and they've succeeded 3 times if it wasnt for the corrupt government...what have you ever done for the animals inside HLS??? oh wait let me guess...fuck all.


From under a rock

26.12.2008 21:25

You crawl to call me a copper? What a joke you are since the coppers are who you run to when your gobby sabbing goes wrong.... What is worse for you a copper or an ex activist who has seen your grassroot campaigns, from the inside, for what it really is, a group of thugs (cowards) who hide in the dark attacking families while they sleep! If the coin was flipped you would be the first to squeel to the police, hypocrite.

The point of all this is that money was collected under false pretense. The public were unaware that they were paying for a lifestyle most of them couldn't afford themselves, two houses in rural areas that commanded high rents and council tax, all paid for out of the pockets of the public who donated money to help animals. Two vans and a car when one would do. Why would greg and natasha need to go to krav maga lessons? You do know they very rarley went on a demo and if all we read is true the ones they went on were arranged with the police! You see that things don't fit do they?

Ah yes Consort and Regal, do you remember how many people used to turn up? Not anymore hey shac are lucky to get a handful together. HLS will not shut down before shac is squashed by the law and it won't be long before the rest are rounded up.

The reason the police are not around at Uncaged, Peta or the BUAV is because they are a lawful campaign group who do more for animals in cages than shac will ever do. You need to ask yourself who does all the investigations etc Not shac, why, because they are pissing all the publics donations up the wall.


Oh dear Paul...I'm such "a waste of oxygen" that you've spent days replying....

27.12.2008 00:04

Hmmm - I'm such a "waste of oxygen" that you've gone to all this effort replying? ; )

"We" all "know" that....that's OK dear. ; )


You can call people a "waste of oxygen" but write "D ate all the sweets" in

27.12.2008 00:13

your cop notebook? Call this your work? The police are not supposed to be so personal and biased....neither are we so easily goaded. You slag off everybody ...if they campaign illegally that's wrong...if they campaign legally they are a "waste of oxygen"....Nothing better to do at this time of year then shortarse? ; )


I don't think that this is Paul from City Police .....this is someone else.....

27.12.2008 00:28

This is very, very personal isn't it? You've "spent time" at the SHAC house? Oh. If you "had my picture you would shit yourself" sound like a right perv......go on then, big man, paste your picture up.

anon your children like you? Ouch!

27.12.2008 00:40

Nothing better to do at this time of year then except having online arguments with AR women? You have never "come across" an AR activist you can't handle? Not spending Xmas or New Year "coming across" anyone then? Divorce was it? You poor, sad, lonely little individual.


Paul, are you heading for some sort of breakdown?

27.12.2008 00:41

I think you should go to the doctor mate.


If this isn't Paul form the City Police then maybe he would like to complain

27.12.2008 01:18

about this little dickhead.


Paul, you have single handedly shown the police up....

27.12.2008 01:29

Any relationship that the City Police have built up with peaceful campaigners has been single handedly destroyed by you. I think it's time you had early retirement or went on holiday. You are clearly biased and probably drunk. The time of year has that effect on lonely people.....

If this isn't Paul from the City Police then I strongly reccommend that he finds out who this prat copper pretending to be him REALLY is and complains.

my turn! my turn!

This is the most unprofessional of police behaviour ever....

27.12.2008 02:10

This is shocking. It is SO personal!! Why refer to Sarah as "gisbourne".....why threaten D with "if you saw my picture you would shit yourself" and call Mandy a "waste of oxygen"...This police officer's unprofessionalism shine through along with his mysoginy. This officer's online, unprofessional arguing for the whole world to see is very, very telling. This man has deep, seroius issues where women are concerned.

If he isn't Paul from the cCy Police then yes HE {the real Paul} should complain at once and demand that the cretin pretending to be him is exposed and sacked immediately.

Your unprofessionalism is worrying but your feelings towards women warrant counselling.

This is a shocking display and will be on here forever. It will also be sent to all of your colleagues, the IPCC, the Mirror, Guardian, Express etc. and.....of course all the ALF magazines etc.

Clever policemen build relationships with campaigners and find out as much as they can like that...not by silly sexually motivated goading. This says so much about you. This prat behaviour is why you'll never make CID etc. If you are a detective who is pretending to be Paul from the City Police then I hope he beats the shit out of you. You are also a rubbish detective if you are capable of this type of appalling self exposure. If this IS Paul from the City Police then I am shocked and appalled that you have shown yourself up to be so CRAP on here!!!

Personally...I don't think that this is him {Paul from the City Police} but someone who is pretending to be him after Mandy's comment that Paul from the city Police said "you are not terrorists" and that this is an attempt to discredit this officer and ruin any relationship he has with peaceful least I hope that's what it is....If this is Paul from the City Police then that's a shame.

my turn again!

oh dear Paul....

27.12.2008 02:54

If this isn't Paul from the City Police then I hope that the real one finds out who this prat is and beats the crap out of him.

If this IS Paul from the City Police then you have single handedly ruined any professional credibility that you ever had. Personally I think that this is someone esle but all the same whoever it is...they are clearly the Police and have ruined their own reputation forever, for everyone to read. You sad, sad little individual whoever you are.

Why call Sarah "gisbourne" ...why call Mandy a "waste of oxygen".....why threaten D?

What on EARTH has got into you? You should be SACKED for misconduct!

This is on it's way to the ALF / SHAC mag.

Is this sour grapes over the "garden incident"? ; )


I think Iknow who this is......D. fective "Paula" Sick Loony from NETCU liason

27.12.2008 09:05 IS isn't it? It's you? Still at it then? Just can't keep away....get a fucking life and at least have the nuts to put your OWN name on here..."Paula"!

Yes....this D.fective "Paula" Sick Loony from NETCU liason....

This NETCU liason "intelligence {!} gatherer" also helps out at a North {eastwards} London Police Station. How's your son, the court case? ; )

How can you be so nasty? As for "if you saw my picture D you would shit yourself" ...hmmm you are quite shocking to look at which is probably why "someone tried to run you over"....

People often give themselves away with what they say, what they omit and what they for letting City Police Paul take the blame for this...I thought he was your friend....

As for everything else, yes SHAC have made some mistakes and yes they have pissed some people off....but how can you do this to HEATHER?

.....btw "Averys" does not become "Averies" in the plural and oxegen is spelled oxygen, clever clogs. for calling Sarah "gisbourne" ...oh dear.

ann on

this is on it's way the V.A.W. dept in South London - re woman hating copr

27.12.2008 09:46

This nasty piece of work should be reported to the Violence Against Women department in South London. This man clearly poses a threat towards women and has serious problems. Each and every comment of his is directed towards the women in the SHAC campaign.
"MS" Sawyer
"Mandy is a waste of oxygen"
"D if you saw my picture you would shit yourself"
"heathers and gisbourn's bedrooms"

If this was anyone else he would be investigated by police. This man has some very big problems around women. The police read these sites as part of data monitering and I strongly recommend that they trace the IP address of this sick individual who sounds like a copper and make sure that he loses his job. I also strongly recommend that activists use any relevant computer skills to trace him and find out who he is. He is clearly a danger to women.

This "Paul" isn't someone pretending to be the police...this is a very nasty and dangerous man who sounds like a nonce. He must be traced and forced to undergo psychiatric assessment and sacked or retired from the police. This man is an utter embarrassment to all decent coppers. It's police officers like you that set back community relations with the public DECADES. The public do NOT want to think that there are scum like you in uniform, paid for by their taxes and public monies, puttting anti-women comments on a public website and that you might come into contact with their wives, daughters, mums and sisters etc. You are a total embarrassment to each and every single one of your colleagues. I wonder how you get on with WPCs...not too good?

every time the police behave like this we we win....

As a "middle class tosser"

28.12.2008 16:21

I was clearly too stupid to act in the appropriate manner when I was smashed to a pulp by a police officer and although I did not make the complaint to the then Police Complaints Authority I would have done so unless it was automatically referred so a question to "Working" (my 12 hour shifts on the ward clearly do not count as actual "work");

What is the correct way to deal with a police officer who has smashed your face in and broken your leg so badly that it is still painful 8 years later?

Clearly following a complaint, which was upheld, pressing charges, he was acquitted in Crown Court, then successfully suing him was wrong so what should I have done bearing in mind that any retribution type stuff would have taken animal rights people away from campaigning and the fact he was charged with GBH?

Of course I was also well out of order and a bit of a craptivist when I sucessfully complained against several unlawful arrests and a forced strip search which resulted in police officers being disciplined. Please show us the righteous path Working that we may not stray from being pure and holy! Oh yeah and make sure that none of your campaigning is ever sullied by the use of money from police compensation.

Lynn Sawyer

What's the point of arguement?!

07.01.2009 13:17

When the largest animal testing lab/virus containment facility will be built slap-bang in the middle of Camden... INSTEAD OF COUNCIL HOUSES!!!

The corrupt Camden Councillors had already told Camden residents that the lab, etc would NEVER be built, but the land is already ear-marked (foundations in) for this dangerous lab & it's disgusting!
Surely homes are needed?! Camden Council have already posted their fears about a bird-flu outbreak in the near future... coincidence? I don't think so!

Do what you can to stop this deadly lab being erected NOW!!!

Anti Policestate

Dfective Sick Loony from NETCU is "Paul"...her husband was called Paul

11.01.2009 12:20

Yep, it's her ; (

She trained at Hendon and is a regular at standing with the cops on demos.....

The same one that claimed that "Clint tried to run her over" and tried to get everyone to boycott the demo.
The same one that claimed that she "caught e-coli" at Animal Rights Gathering UK and tried to shut it down as "everyone would get it".
The same one that claimed that the pets for sale at Horrids "would not get free vet checks if the fur demos continued" and tried to stop the demos.
The same one that claimed that blonde attractive activists were "prostitutes / glamour models planted by Horrids into the fur campaign".
The same one that claimed that "V******* had plastic surgery on her face that was animal tested" and bullied her off of the campaign.
The same one that does alot of the police's dirty work for them...NETCU and a police station in North East London.....
Yes, her.


Obviously this is someone who' went to the SHAC House and should'nt have been..

16.01.2009 21:02

At the risk of being told off for "spreading paranoid bullshit" everyone should be more careful who they allow into the workings of / inside their campaigns...certain people should NEVER have been allowed into the SHAC House, Mel Broughton's home etc, FRIEND Animal Sanctuary etc.

People should of course be careful not to turn new people away but there are some people who seem to get right into everything, find out an awful lot, get everywhere, cause alot of trouble and hey presto ...everyone gets busted.

Debz didn't write this shite. It's not Mandy as she has never been to the SHAC House....some of you need to stop thinking with your dicks and start using your heads. ; (

NETCU are not as stupid as people think and there are alot more of them in the campigns than most of you think. It's also NETCU who will tell you "not to be silly" tell you that you are "paranoid" or "crazy" and so on.

Be careful out there!


Detecetive Scicluna claimed that Gavin Medd Hall "was a policeman & killed cats"

07.02.2009 20:29

This agent of the police also claimed that Gavin Medd Hall [who is now in prison for helping the animals and human victioms of Huntingdon Life Sciences] was "a policeman" and that he "killed and skinned cats".

[She also tried to find out "who all the young girls hanging around Keith Mann are"....]

She has spread all sorts of lies [including dangerous lies] about anyone and everyone in the movement through all sorts of people both in / out of the movement. Avoid like the plague.

As a leading activist has said : "Debz talks to the police and that's ALL she does."

In fact she was asked to leave closed meetings that she tried to infiltrate several times. Not because anyone was doing anything illegal but because she works for the sinister police department the National Extremist Tactical Co-ordination Unit [NETCU] who will do ANYTHING against ANYONE even if it results in violence for innocent people who they have targeted, they will lie and exaggerate and say literally ANYTHING to stop ANYONE. Beware of them.


Deboarah Scicluna's address is the only one ommitted on the NETCU website...

07.02.2009 21:02

Several people were charged in relation to the Oxford lab campaign. NETCU put all thier names and addresses on their website...all except that of Debz that is. Everyone's address was on there apart from hers. For her it just says that she is "of London". Now, you COULD argue that this is a sneaky NETCU tactic to cause division. However those in the AR movement know what she has a very close relationship with the police and did in fact train at Hendon....the police training college or "Learn to be a bully" center.

Just why have NETCU made this website anyway? NETCU on the net. Do other police departments do this? No.



Hmmmmm and ALL becomes finally clear. Thanks to :

17.02.2009 00:15

OOps...thanks to people who let this and that slip out. ; )

Mandy in Camden

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Finally, finally...but lets get on with the campaign

17.02.2009 00:27

What can I say? Oh dear oh dear oh dear.....NOW you know why I don't let half of these people into my house any more. As for you"Camden Connection" [he knows who he is]'ve been a TWAT, a total twat. Go and play with my megaphone...go on, breathe into it.....pull hard....prick.

To the REAL activists...Alan, Keith, Hannah and so on you have my respect. As does Heather especially.

Mandy in Camden

Big love to the Big Issue

17.02.2009 00:48

Great magazine!!

Big Issue support for SHAC

To the people who have helped the police by spreading lies and rumours....

17.02.2009 01:33

...on behalf of should be ashamed of yourselves. You know who you are. As for your suggestion that I should spread some "disinformation /misinformation" of my own "to see what happens"....NO, I'll leave that one to you lot. You've done fine so far.

What's NETCU?

The National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit. ...a sinister police department designed to cause trouble for and disrupt activists...using all sorts of nasty, dirty, filthy tactics. They also link into other specialist police departments, to "catch" extremists....but their main task is to cause trouble. They are the professional agitators, agent provocateurs, the people who will pretend to be your friend....and who will say and do ANYTHING and USE anybody.

Most of you that have targetted me on their behalf are either too thick to work this out...OR you know exactly what you are doing... !!!!!!


Sorry but this was Debz

18.04.2009 23:39

Yes it was.



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