At the bridge on the ICE route had already posted the cops and blocked the transition towards soundproofing wall of the airport. Under the observation of a police helicopter there was a short rally, while on the road Okrifteler many new slogans against the expansion were painted.
The forest walk was a good step from the activist lethargy of the past few months!
Upcoming events:
4th January 2009: The first colourful walk in the forests in the new year will again explore the area and make the extent of forest destruction clear. Meeting: 14 clock Forest Camp
From the 12th January 2009: possible grubbing beginning, Day X
Day X is the day on which the site is fenced and / or with the clearing work is begun. Get on the alarm lists (soon under or in the forest camp)!
14th January 2009: demonstration together with pupils, students and others against the Hessian conditions in Frankfurt. Check:
Even between the years, there will be activities around the camp and against the expansion type. Keep you updated on or
Smash Fraport!