1) NO to a 3rd runway at Heathrow and runaway aviation expansion
2) NO new coal – no new coal-fired power stations as planned at Kingsnorth in Kent
3) NO to the expansion of agrofuels – with negative impacts on forests, the climate, and world food supply
4) YES to a renewable energy revolution and green jobs – a "Green New Deal"
Nine of these pix were shot by Chris Knight – (CK) appended to caption
To follow, as links in a comment below, once the editing and uploading are complete.
A1. Greenwash Guerillas promote Fossil Fools Day 2009
B1. WDM's huge 'Climate Change Kills' banner
B4. EcoWarrior, Revolution, Communist, Anarchist (CK)
C1. A Right Scary Greenwash Guerilla
C2. A Great Gaggle of Greenwash Guerillas
D4. Bloco Liberdade samba band (CK)
E2. Four Horsefolk of the Anti-Capitalist Apocalypse (CK)
E3. No More Carbon Dinosaurs – Stop Kingsnorth
E4. Promoting Sustainable Living
E5. Most Artistic Banner – Gold Star Awarded
“We are well into the opening phase of a mass extinction of species. There are about 10 million species on earth. If we carry on as we are, we could lose half of all those 10 million species. The whole thing is taking place in what you might call a flickering of an evolutionary eye. [...] We would be the first generation in the whole of human history since we came out of our caves to tackle a mass extinction head on and cancel it... and if we do, I think people will cheer for us from thousands of years ahead.”
Prof Norman Myers
British environmentalist and authority on biodiversity (1934-),
quoted in ‘Largest mass extinction in 65 million years underway, scientists say’ [5]
Such a realisation is motivating a growing number of people to take action to push this most important of global issues up to the top of the news and political agenda, where it belongs. So in the middle of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Talks (COP 14/MOP 4), in Poznan, Poland [6], people in 94 countries around the world took part in a Global Day of Climate Action [7]. In London, organisers of the National Climate March – the Campaign against Climate Change [8] – estimated that 10,000 people took part in the event, highlighting four of the most pressing issues that need addressing urgently.
[cont’d in part 2...]
[1] Extinction-Level Event –

[2] 'Big Five' extinction-level events –

[3] Sixth Extinction –

[4] Catastrophic Climate Change: eg, see –

[5] ‘Largest mass extinction in 65 million years underway, scientists say’ –

[6] Virtual Poznan: watch all the latest action from the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland, and interact in real time with conference participants –

[7] Global Day of Climate Action –

[8] Campaign against Climate Change –

All these photos and video clips are 'CopyLeft'
This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
> Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

> Accreditation:

NB: These pix are edited and downsized versions (up to 640x640px, 0.39Mpx, 116 to 232 KB) for onscreen display. If you would like the free, edited, full-sized versions (up to 3072x2304px, 7.1Mpx, 1.1 MB to 2.9 MB) for print, poster, placard, banner, etc, please email your request to tim.dalinian.jones [at] googlemail.com quoting the picture title(s) you'd like.