Greece, the crisis of capitalism. Anticapitalists forces of the left are joining to plan for a national mass protest ("Bundesweite Großdemonstration").
The insurgency in Greece reflects widespread anger over the economic situation and neoliberal cuts.
The rapid Crisis of Capitalism
A crisis felt all over Europe is rapidly developing. As a result of the international crisis of capitalism the German economy also is bracing for a sharp downturn with more unemployed. Allready there are seven million jobless officially.
More and more people voice their doubt over the so called benefits of the system of capitalism.
In France forces of the left will be joining in a new anticapitalist party, the "Nouveuax Parti Anticapitaliste" to be launched in February.
In Germany, despite a new and succesfull left party having been be forged of trade union officials and the ex-communist party of the East, the LEFT PARTY capitalism has not stopped it´s offensive against workers and the poor. The coming economic downturn will certainly be used as an excuse for a severe neoliberal onslaught.
All over the world the capitalists want us to pay for THEIR crisis.
Now, in Greece, we are witness to a dramatic attempt of the people to start a fight back against the evil forces of capitalism.
In view of all these rapid and dramatic developments, which could soon spread all over Europe, several groups of the German left, oppositional forces within the LEFT PARTY and rank and file trade unionists have decided to join together, and prepare and organise for a national mass demonstration as soon as possible.
Comrades in Europe will be notified of further developments.