In 1999 Nazis murdered the syndicalist Björn Söderberg, now they tried it again. Two syndicalists from Stockholm - one of them ex board members in the Stockholm LS union - and their 3 year old daughter was forced to climb out of their balcony on the third floor from their apartment as Nazis put fire to their home.
The union members had before the attack been threatened by the Nazi website Info-14. The Nazis behind Info-14 is the same people that arranges the yearly Nazi march in Salem.
Around 21:00 Monday 1 December our members heard a splashing sound from the hallway.
" I saw someone pouring a clear liquid through the mailbox opening in the door and understood by the smell that it was gasoline. I screamed so loud that I am sure they heard it that we have children in here, only seconds later someone ignited the gasoline"
In the Hallway the family's winter clothings were hanging, and it took only seconds before the fire spread out of control and into the kitchen and living room. To get out through the main door was impossible now.
" We managed to lower our daughter down unto our neighbours balcony below, we live on the third floor and had we dropped her she would have died."
The couple climbed afterwards down the same way. behind them the fire was out of control burning their personal belongings, memories and future plans.
Our members and their daughter came from it without being wounded, but it does not change the fact that someone cold blooded executed a plan to take their lives.
Six months ago, the Nazi website Info-14 published names and pictures of our members.
The police work out of the theory that the murder attempt was politically motivated, and executed by the same people that two days earlier burned down the open socialist culture (Community) center Cyclopen in Högdalen. The charge the police has is arson and attempt of murder with fire.
Our members have through their union worked for anti-racism and removal of class differences, for this the Nazis decided to sentence them to death.
The Nazis behind Info-14 is the same people that runs the organization "Salemfund", that is the largest Nazi march organized in Europe organized in Salem, Sweden , every year.
On Saturday the people that tried to murder our members are organizing a march in Stockholm's suburb Salem. SAC calls for all people to join in the "network against racism" Counter demonstration at 12:00 clock.
If we let the Nazis stand unchallenged, who knows who will be the next family or person they attack or try to murder.
translated from Motkraft :

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