We continue our lead in to this year’s UN Climate Change Talks in Poznan Poland with a look at a proposal that seeks to break the current deadlock and lead to a fair deal that delivers both climate safety and protects the poor. We speak to Tom Athanasiou, director of EcoEquity and co-author of the Greenhouse Development Rights framework.
The GDR framework is supported by Christian Aid, Oxfam, Stockholm Environment Institute and the Heinrich Boll Foundation.
"Greenhouse Development Rights - Powerpoint" (Summary of 2nd Edition)
http://www.ecoequity.org/GDRs/GDRs_presentation_with_notes.ppt "Greenhouse Development Rights - Executive Summary" (2nd Edition)
http://www.ecoequity.org/GDRs/GDRs_ExecSummary.html Greenhouse Development Rights website
http://www.greenhousedevelopmentrights.org EcoEquity
http://www.eco-equity.org The 300-350 Show is named after what is now believed to the safe level in parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This finding is based on the work of James Hansen and his team in a paper titled "Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim."