Place: Parliament Square, Westminster, London (Tube: Westminster)
Time: 9am 26th Nov to 9am 27th November
Reason: Burmese Student Leaders were imprisoned for 65 years by Burmese
Military Dictatorship. We urge UK Government and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to take serious action on this issue
Wear white colours (represents prison unifrom in Burma) but also represents peace.
Water will be provided. Bring sleeping bag, hat, towel and warm, rainproof clothes.

SATURDAY WHITE CAMPAIGN (22nd Nov to 27th Dec)

In October 2006, 88-Generation Students launched the
'White Expression Campaign" and "Multi-faith prayer campaign", calling for the Burmese people to show their support by wearing white clothes and praying for national reconciliation and release of all political prisoners.
In April 2007, 88-Generation Students launched the "Sunday White
Campaign," calling for the release of all political prisoners and encouraged Burmese people to show their support by wearing white clothes on Sunday. Now they are in prisons. It is our duty to keep up the flame alight in order to restore democracy in
Burma. As Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that "Everyone can play their parts in
democratisation process of Burma. When you see injustice, do not sit tight and just look. Do not ignore unjust to let it happen. When you see injustice, try your best to stand by with justice. Do something and voice for justice".
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) call for people around the world; men and women,
journalists and musicians, students and government employees, lay men and religious leaders-to wear white every Saturdays starting on Burmese National Day, 22nd November 2008 (Saturday) until 27th December 2008 (Saturday), as the expression of solidarity with everyone who are working to restore justice, human rights and democracy in Burma.
For Buddhist monks, soldiers, policemen and fire brigade members, we would like
to urge to hold white small towel.
Everyone Who Love Justice
To Wear White
Starting On Burmese National Day 22nd November 2008, 29th Nov 2008, 6th Dec
2008, 13th Dec 2008,
20th Dec 2008, Until 27th Dec 2008
Everywhere, Pagodas, Temples, Churches, Mosques
To Show Solidarity with Everyone Who Sacrifice Their Lives for Freedom of Burma
Six Saturdays until 27th Dec 2008

Tuesday 16th December
The inspiring story of fifteen villagers from the jungles of Burma whose quest
for justice
eventually leads them to bring a suit in a U.S. court against two oil giants -
for human-rights abuse.
For five years producer/director Milena Kaneva collected accounts from Burmese
villagers of forced
labour, re-location of villages, rape, and murder associated with construction
of the Yadana
pipeline. Her "guide" during this journey was Ka Hsaw Wa, a member of
Burma's Karen ethnic minority,
and one of the leaders of the student movement for democracy in Burma in 1988
which was violently
suppressed by the Burmese government.
For more than a decade, at considerable personal risk, he has gathered
testimonies and other
evidence on numerous cases of human
rights and environmental abuse. In 1995,
along with
co-founder of Earth
Rights International, Katie Redford, Ka Hsaw Wa brought a
landmark lawsuit
against UNOCAL and TOTAL that drew international attention to the pervasive
abuses in Burma.
Followed by Q&A with director Milena Kaneva and Peter Frankental,
Amnesty's Economic Relations
programme director
Amnesty Event Website:

Event Type Film
Event venue The Human Rights Action Centre, London, EC2A 3EA

Tube: Old Street/Liverpool Street
Time 6.30 pm
Price Free of charge
Online tickets Book this event:

Although this event is free, booking is essential. Latecomers are not admitted
once the film has
# Chevron (Texaco) bought UNOCAL
2005. French Total Oil is lead operator of
the Yadana
pipeline, but Chevron
remains a major partner. The Yadana gas pipeline
continues to fund the brutal
Burma junta with approximately 1 billion dollars a year.
# Earth Rights International have updated their report on Chevron's
involvement in the Yadana Gas
pipeline: Report "The Human Cost of Energy" April 2008:

# Chevron Whitewashes Its Website of Burma 29th October 2008 (apparently due to
current human rights
trial concerning Niger Delta)

# A landmark human rights trial (Bowoto v Chevron) is currently underway in
federal court in San
Francisco. Chevron has been charged with gross human rights abuses arising from
its use of the
military and "kill and go" mobile police against
those who
protested against the
and other harm caused by Chevron's oil production activities
in the Niger Delta.

Myths and Facts from Bowoto v Chevron:

Check Burmese Democracy Movement Association and Burma Campaign UK for any
further events or changes
to events: