Forget Tate Britain, muTATE BRITAIN has landed, all 4 storeys of it.
And you heard it here first...
preparations for muTATE BRITAIN, London. 2008
preparations for muTATE BRITAIN, London. 2008
preparations for muTATE BRITAIN, London. 2008
preparations for muTATE BRITAIN, London. 2008
preparations for muTATE BRITAIN, London. 2008
installing muTATE BRITAIN, Curtain Rd, London. 2008
installing muTATE BRITAIN, Curtain Rd, London. 2008
The Krah begins grafitti at muTATE BRITAIN, Curtain Rd, London, 2008
installing muTATE BRITAIN, Curtain Rd, London. 2008
Joe Rush (Mutoid Waste) installing work @ muTATE BRITAIN. 2008
Staircase, muTATE BRITAIN, Curtain Rd, London. 2008
Joe Rush (Mutoid Waste) installing work @ muTATE BRITAIN. 2008
muTATE BRITAIN opening night. Crowd + rooftop tentacles. 2008
Robot DJ, muTATE BRITAIN. 2008
muTATE BRITAIN opening party. 2008
Located in 'Cordy House', a disused warehouse on Curtain Road, London, it has been many many months in conception and preparation. Why? Because street artists and emerging contemporary artists need a non-corporate space in the East end to showcase their wares, in the way they want to. No sponsorship, no bullshit, just amazing spaces and mind-blowing art.
Artists in residence: the incredible MUTOID WASTE company, featuring Joe Rush of robotic/ scrapyard construction fame, and festivals near you.
Also showing, in rotation over the next month or so:
Airside, Blaize Simon, Bosi, Bleach, Dscreet, Brett Ewins, Dr D, Dennis Morris, Eelus, Eine, Elle Dunn, Elph, Inkie, juice 126, Lucy Macleod, Billy Macrae, Mac 1, Mode 2, Mr Insa, 9T, Part2ism, Paul Insect, Peter Dunne, Print Club London, Pure evil, Remi, Ronzo, Roughe 1, Rowdy Rufus Dayglo, Shepard, Fairey (AKA Obey), SW1, The Krah, Zoot, and many more.
The opening night was RAMMED!....
The catch? These guys have to make it pay or they're booted out for good in early 2009...
If you want to help London's major ANTI-CORPORATE warehouse art show it's time to get down there and start muTATE-ing.
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DATES: Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 21st November onwards.
for hi-res versions of these images, or more info, drop me a line.

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Images Copyright Billy Macrae 2008
These images may be freely distributed in connection with muTATE BRITAIN.
: ))
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