Please support their campaign.....
Whilst this initiative might initially seem unrealistic, there were only 38 procedures performed on primates in Belgium last year...and whilst that is still 38 procedures too many, that is 38 procedures that we can stop permanently!
The political will to ban experiments on NHPs in Belgium is there, with the responsible minister already having made a publc statement on the matter, and we intend to make good on that promise by removing the obstacles posed by the primate researchers.
The main culprits still involved in primate research here in Belgium are based at the Catholic University of Leuven, (KUL), where they perform utterly indefensible behavioural and psychological experiments on primates, so today we served the KUL notice that their disgusting research is going to be stopped!
Full demo report with pictures:

Please support this ambitous initiative by by contacting the KUL to encourage them to do the right thing and stop testing on monkeys.
Either send them the sample letter below, (in Dutch), or write them something yourself, (but don't forget to add your name at the bottom).

via het VRT programma Koppen vernam ik dat u apen gebruikt in uw
laboratorium Gasthuisberg te Leuven. Ik heb in dit programma gehoord
hoe u en KUL hierover denken en ben hierover geschokt.
Dat een katholieke universiteit die pretendeert vernieuwend te zijn
en respect te hebben voor leven nog steeds verouderde technieken
zoals dierproeven gebruikt, is een echte schande.
Er zijn ondertussen genoeg alternatieven voor dierproeven, dat zeggen
ook gerespecteerde organisaties zoals Artze gegen Tierversüche
( Ik stel voor dat u met hen eens
contact opneemt om u te helpen de 21ste eeuw binnen te treden.
Alleszins steun ik de acties van de dierenrechtenorganisatie Anti
Dierproeven Coalitie tegen uw praktijken.
Neither The Gateway to Hell Campaign, (GTHC), The Coalition Anti-Vivisection,
(CAV), nor the Anti Dierproeven Coalitie, (ADC), assume any responsibility for
the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of its use.
Nothing in this email is intended to encourage illegal action in whatever
country you are reading it in. Neither the ADC, the CAV nor the GTHC engage in,
nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful activity. Nothing in this alert
is intended to promote such conduct and neither the ADC, the CAV nor the GTHC
assume any responsibility for the missuse of this information, which is
provided solely for the purposes of lawful protest. The ADC, the CAV and the
GTHC actively encourage all recipients to act responsibly but neither assume
nor accept any responsibility for the actions of others.