Nov) which opposed the 'home coming' parade by the notorious RIR regiment of
the British Army.
There was a large Ógra Shinn Féin presence on the day, with young
republicans travelling from across Ireland.
The rally/march was calling for an end to the ongoing illegal occupations in
Ireland, Iraq, and Afghanistan and also to demand the truth for the hundreds
of families who have been bereaved through the official British state policy
of collusion and state murder. The UDR/RIR themselves where part and parcel
of the murder machine.
Ireland, Iraq - End the Occupations!
Loyalists on Scaffold Taunting and Lobbing Fireworks and Bottles
Nov) which opposed the 'home coming' parade by the notorious RIR regiment of
the British Army.
There was a large Ógra Shinn Féin presence on the day, with young
republicans travelling from across Ireland.
The rally/march was calling for an end to the ongoing illegal occupations in
Ireland, Iraq, and Afghanistan and also to demand the truth for the hundreds
of families who have been bereaved through the official British state policy
of collusion and state murder. The UDR/RIR themselves where part and parcel
of the murder machine.
At the Rally in Dunville, Sean 'Spike' Murray, Gerry Kelly MLA and National
Co-ordinator for Relatives For Justice Mark Thompson addressed the assembled
As the marchers, led by relatives, made their way to Fisherwick place to
protest peacefully and dignified at the passing RIR/UDR coat trailing
exercise, loyalists who had accessed scaffolding adjacent to the protest,
lobbed bottles, bits of scaffold and fireworks to provoke, and injure.
The Sinn Féin protest remained vigilant and dignified and relatives held the
portraits of their loved ones, the victims of Collusion/State murder, high
as the RIR/UDR 'victory parade' passed by.
The rally/march allowed the families, who had been ignored in this highly
insensitive parade, get their message across, and it also allowed the people
of Belfast and wider afield to demonstrate their ongoing opposition to the
illegal occupation of Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Related Link:

Comments (14 of 14)
*More pictures*
by Youth 4 Truth - Ógra Shinn Féin, Sun Nov 02 2008 16:38 osfnational at
yahoo dot ie
More pics from today.
Related Link:

*It was not 1000's*
by ricardo sanz, Sun Nov 02 2008 20:00
i saw it and it was maximum 800
by Oisín - ÓSF, Sun Nov 02, 2008 21:26
Where did you see it? It grew fairly considerably upon leaving the park. I
would say 1500
*Video of March*
by Youth 4 Truth - Ógra Shinn Féin, Sun Nov 02, 2008 22:52 osfnational at
yahoo dot ie
Video of March - Watch and PASS ON!
Embedded video Youtube Video Id:=Sb00agFsZko
Related Link:

*not pretty*
by darwin Mon Nov 03 2008 01:01
they're not making those Loyalists any better lookin these days are they?
*So many **marshalls**?*
by Anti-war anti-borders, Mon Nov 03 2008 01:06
Looks like you were doing the cops job for them there with that amount of
Some presence may be necessary but it devalues the freedom of protesting and
creates firm hierarchys in the leader and the led.
by DM, Mon Nov 03 2008 09:56
While I have issues with Sinn Fein the marshalling was certiainly needed,
the protest could have turned violent easily, I can at least say well done
for organising this demonstration well and making sure it stayed peaceful
*tesco's at **11am*
by Eoin Mc, Mon Nov 03 2008 12:49
There was an anarchist march to oppose the RIR parade as well, so if you
wanted to attend a march with no marshalls you could have gone to that.
*Where the f**k was the supposed 'Anti War' Movement??*
by Anti Imperialis,t Mon Nov 03 2008 12:57
To Anti War - Anti Borders,
Not sure if your a rep for anti war movement, but where the f**k where the
anti war movement in Belfast on Sunday?
Was the single biggest public act by the British War Machine in Belfast in a
very long time, not reason enough to come out and make your feelings none on
anti imperialism?
An absolute disgrace, the silence is deafening and everyone can see it,
you's have tarnished yourselves once again.
Fair play to Ogra Sf and the rest of them, consistent message, Iraq,
Ireland, Afghanistan, end the occupations!
*PSNI film makers*
by Gearoid Mon Nov 03 2008 14:29
Interesting to see the picture of the RUC/PSNI cameraman filming the Sinn
Féin protestors. If we have any information on the protestors should we
forward it on to the PSNI?
*murderers march*
by paul cork, Mon Nov 03 2008 19:23
it was a disgrace what happened in belfast sunday. I see the provos were
doing the work of the ruc again, typical
*Australian Troops reinforcing Brits in Six Counties*
by Jim - War Is Terror Australia Mon Nov 03 2008 22:47
The Australian federal government have stated that the Aussie troops are
welcome in the six counties while they train how to harass civilians before
leaving to do some killing in Afghanistan.

Feel free to make some noise about this aiding and abetting of the continued
Australian supported British military occupation of Ireland.
*Too little too late*
by Dissrep, Tue Nov 04 2008 22:40
Was in Belfast on Sunday gone and have read all reports and viewed all media
filming of Sinn Fein protest and am in no doubt that there was definately no
more than 1000/1200 protesters at the max.For such an event taking place in
Belfast this is a terrible turnout.One can only blame Sinn Fein leadership
for mobilising at the 11th hour(was this a consequence of the fear that
relatives groups and credible republicans alike were preparing to attend
eirigi commeration in absence of SF protest up to last week)and for the
confusion their support of the PSNI,Parades Commision and Stormont
Assembly(all aspects of normalisation) has installed in republicans
nationally.One must ask the question how does a republican party justify
engagement in a powering sharing executive with the DUP, supporting and
endorsing policing by the PSNI and applying to the Parades Commision for the
right to protest with true republican values.Confused?,well i am.Maybe this
is the reason for the poor turnout by Belfast standards.
*Where was the Anti War Movement in **Belfast**??*
by Gemma, Fri Nov 07 2008 19:01
Brilliant article here, a discussion that is needed...

Related Link:

End notes:


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