« Le phénomène le plus grave est celui auquel nous assistons sans jamais le dénoncer. »
Protestation devant les libertaires du présent et du futur sur les capitulations de 1980, par un Incontrôlé.
Jean-Marc Rouillan is inside again. He’d spoken out about turning over a new leaf and commented – albeit briefly – on the legal ban that prevents him from discussing the revolutionary strategy that saw him locked up for 22 years.
The French state has responded by revoking his right to partial freedom.
In fact, the “Rouillan Affair” lets the French state confirm its attack on the freedom of speech. Flaming media coverage and sordid interpretations of an interview published by the French magazine L’Express have been used by the French criminal justice system to gag the writer Jean-Marc Rouillan and punish any expression of his political opinions. His return to prison on “preventative remand” is proof of this.
We consider that the conditions under which Jean-Marc Rouillan has been remanded incustody are really an attack on our freedom of speech.
We hereby confirm that Jean-Marc Rouillan has in no way infringed the conditions applied to the partial freedom granted in December 2007.We are outraged at this move which is clearly part of a relentless quest to silence Jean-Marc Rouillan. It’s his turn today – tomorrow it will be ours.
We therefore demand the immediate and unconditional release of Jean-Marc Rouillan from prison.
Your signature :

Les Mots en marche
80 rue de Ménilmontant 75020 Paris/France