NYCLAW Antiwar Digest -- Palestine Focus
October 25, 2008
Bitter harvest
The olive harvest is in full swing at the moment; so too are the settlers' clubs and the soldiers' batons, as they do their level best to impede the farmers' attempts to harvest their meagre crops the length and breadth of the Occupied Territories.

Settlers invade Nablus
"Our hold on Joseph's Tomb strengthens our hold on the whole country."

Blind woman sent to jail for harboring Palestinian
A single mother of a 4-year old child was handed a prison sentence on Wednesday after the Magistrates' Court in Rehovot found her to be unfit for community service.

Palestinian death toll in Second Intifada
Israeli forces have killed 5,526 Palestinians over the past eight years including 1,010 children under 18 and 340 women and girls.

Soldiers kill with impunity
'The shocking truth is that Israeli soldiers kill civilians in Gaza with near-total impunity, week in week out'.

Remembering Massacre at Beit Hanoun
I am encouraged, but not satisfied by what Archbishop Desmond Tutu said after his investigative visit to Gaza. . . . The following is the testimony I wrote two days after I witnessed the massacre's aftermath.

Israel threatens new war on Lebanon
"We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction."

Palestinian prisoners isolated for dozens of years
Dozens of Palestinian prisoners held in isolation or in solitary confinement in Israeli prisons have developed sever mental disorders.

U.S. supports Jordanian torture
[P]risoners in the small Arab monarchy, whose ruler, King Abdullah II, is strongly allied with the United States, are regularly subjected to torture and that their abusers are rarely punished. . . . Last year, the U.S. provided Jordan with $255.3 million, mostly in military aid.

Silence towards Israel's racial discrimination unacceptable
While the Law of Return is generous towards immigration of Jews from around the world, it discriminates against Palestinians who were actually born on the land and their descendants.

The Palestinian left and the right of return
The Palestinian cause is the right of return for all refugees and nothing less.

Gaza's suffocating siege
As the Gaza Strip enters its fifth month of "calm" with the Israelis, 80 percent of the population lives below the line of poverty.

Gaza still stunted
The ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas on 19 June this year has made precious little difference to the stunted economy of the Gaza Strip.

West Bank hit hard by Israeli restrictions
The West Bank's economy is suffering from precarious lack of investment, largely because of Israeli restrictions on movement and despite increased international aid, the World Bank said on Thurday.

Palestinian workers exploited at W. Bank settlement factories
Amongst the companies whose labor practices were criticized in the Kav LaOved report was Royalnight [whose] sheet sets, bed skirts, quilted blankets, and decorated pillows are exported to and marketed in the United States and Europe.

Arab women textile workers in the Galilee, Israel: No bread and no roses
In the past decade, more than 30,000 textile workers lost their jobs in the Israeli textile industry, and most of them are Arab women.

PA minister does CIA bidding
"You are not here to confront Israel, the conflict of Israel has until now led nowhere. You must show the Israelis that you can do the job."

Behind Hamas' election
The electoral victory of Hamas in the Palestinian legislative elections held at the beginning of 2006, far from de-railing a viable process of diplomatic negotiations, instead signaled a widespread Palestinian rejection of those leaders who would allow policies of occupation, dispossession and extra-judicial killings to be packaged in a farcical 'peace process'.

U.S. uses same equipment at home and Gaza
The Americans had used some of the equipment to thwart smuggling across the Mexican border, and recently transferred it to the Egyptian army to strengthen its hold on the Philadelphi Route separating Egypt from the Strip.

Palestinian police help Israelis destroy tunnel in Hebron
Palestinian police discovered a tunnel running under a shop in the Occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Tuesday that was subsequently dynamited by Israeli sappers.

Teachers strike: partisan stab at Hamas or fight for rights?
Nonpartisan critics of the strike, including NGOs working in human rights, say that it is political in nature and should not be used to pit one party against another at the expense of the students

Fatah: Eject traitors from your ranks
[T]he Fatah organization, nearly in its entirety, been reticent and done next to nothing to punish, expose or even rebuke these men who have committed what amounts to be national apostasy.

International Jewish network condemns Israel and Zionism
IJAN distinguishes itself from Jewish and other peace groups that do not reject Zionism or the continuation of an exclusionary Jewish State.

UK trade unionists denounce supporters of Israel's attempt to suppress free speech
"Opposition to this motion can be interpreted as little else than a determination to support an illegal occupation, and to prevent any debate or discussion of Israeli policy in the occupied territories, or of Israel's human rights record in those territories."

Nov. 7 NYC Awda Protest v. Gaza Siege
In front of the Egyptian Consulate, E59th st. and 2nd ave. 3-5pm. Followed by a march to the Egyptian Mission to the UN and to the Zionist Consulate 5-7pm.

Israel hires PR firm on 60th birthday for a political facelift
"Our research shows that Israel's brand is essentially the conflict."

Guardian capitulates to Islamophobic demands
[T]he Guardian last week dismissed an Iranian contributor after a group of pro-war, Islamophobic Neocons accused her of anti-Semitism.

Canadian media muzzles criticism of Israel
CanWest's attack must also be seen in the context of the larger campaign to restrict free public debate on Palestine and Israel in Canada.

AIPAC targets US workers
AIPAC has a history of directing US trade policy against the interests of American producers and workers.

Susan Sarandon, what will tip your conscience?
Only one word can describe Sarandon's conduct: hypocrisy.

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