The Shut ITT mass demonstration last Wednesday was a resounding success. Activists came from Brighton, around the UK and beyond to join the latest demo against EDO MBM/ITT. Following the Carnival against the Arms Trade in June where activists broke police lines and occupied thew forecourt of EDO Sussex Police were on high alert drafting in Surrey and Hampshire Police as well as the London FIT team.
Despite the huge police operation the campaigners were in control of the demo throughout . After a tense start where police arrested several people at the meeting point at Sussex University the march, flanked by reinforced banners, broke through police lines and marched down the A27 to Home Farm Road. Police were ready to cordon activists into an area half way up Home Farm Road. Campaigners never intendede to fall for this trap and instead split up - Some remaining at the Junction with Lewes Road while others, including a sound system took to the woods. Activists reached the back of the EDO factory and forty bottles of paint were thrown. Those who had taken to the woods broke onto Lewes Road beyond the police cordon and marched into town, despite police attempts to kettle them, ending at the beach after five hours of reclaiming the streets of Brighton.
This success, in the face of a massive attempt at police repression was truly inspiring. Thanks to everyone who came.
Halloween Demo at Home Farm Road - Wednesday Oct 29th, 4 to 6pm
Next Wednesday ghouls, ghosts, gnomes and pixies will be haunting EDO MBM/ITT's factory in Home Farm Road. Come along in Halloween Costume.

Arrests and injuries at the Shut ITT Demo
There were ten arrests and up to twenty minor injuries at the Shut ITT demo. If you witnessed an arrest or an assault email

Three houses of people arrested were also searched while people were in custody and items confiscated.
We are particularly looking for witnesses to the arrest of a woman filming the demo on Lewes Road and to a photojournalist being bitten by a police dog in Wild Park.
If you were arrested we strongly suggest that you use Kelly Solicitors (01273 674898).If you used the duty solicitor when arrested you can still change to Kellys