This is the fourth time a large delegation from Brighton has visited the Tubas region. The eight people on the delegation are part of the Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. Five members of the group are students at the University of Sussex which has twinned with Al Quds Open University in Tubas.
Interviews with the delegation in Palestine can be arranged Personal blogs will be written by the group during their visit. On their return they will be giving presentations and film showings documenting the realities of life under military occupation in Tubas.
To read their blogs go to

For more details contact:

Telephone: 07984 438655.
Notes For Journalists
From the 20th October to 3rd November 2008 a delegation from Brighton will visit Tubas and the Jordan Valley.
The Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group was set up in 2006 and is a network aimed at fostering links between community groups in Tubas and the Jordan Valley in Palestine and Brighton in England.
The Jordan Valley is an area where Israel is attempting to annex Palestinian land with the aim of removing its Palestinian population.
For background information about Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group and our work in the Tubas and Jordan Valley region of the West Bank see our website at

For more background information about the Jordan Valley project see