Friday 24 October, 7pm – Why prisons don’t make our communities safer.
All welcome at Kebele centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY
Bristol ABC present a free workshop, led by Sam Lamble, a community organiser, anti-prison campaigner and academic, which examines:
The social costs of prisons, especially for women, transpeople, queers, people of colour and poor people; building links between anti-violence work (e.g. organizing against rape, assault, abuse) and prison abolition; drawing connections between prison abolition and other social justice struggles, such as border activism and immigration detention, anti-racism and anti-colonial struggles, antipoverty and homelessness work, resistance to the “war on terror”, ending psychiatric abuse, fair wages for workers & fighting corporate irresponsibility; alternatives to punishment and imprisonment; how to build communities without prisons.
On-line resource pack:

Saturday 25 October, 11am to 2pm – Bristol ABC host a vegan café and infoshop with anti-prison / prisoner solidarity info, campaigns, books, pamphlets & fundraising merchandise. Free entry, vegan breakfasts for a small donation.
At Kebele centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY
Saturday 25 October, 6pm to midnight – Subvert 2008 Benefit gig organised by the Bastard Squad Collective, raising funds for Bristol ABC and Bristol No Borders. 6 Live bands, 7 quid on the door, at the White Hart, Whitehall Rd, Easton BS5. Full details here

Sunday 26 October, 6 to 9pm – Bristol No Borders vegan café and film night.
All welcome, free entry, at Kebele centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY.
In the café a set vegan meal for a small donation, plus a series of short films highlighting the struggles against border controls and the criminalisation of migrants, along with their resistance.
Bristol ABC Prisoner Support: Supporting radical prisoners locally & internationally, and campaigning against the prison industry. See

Bristol No Borders: Organising against migration controls and working to break down the barriers that divide us. See

The Bastard Squad Collective: Benefit events for anarchist projects, ecological defence, and anti-capitalist struggle. See