Urgent call for solidarity actions-please check www.indymedia.ie/mayo for updates
Meanwhile also this evening, the Garda Water Unit boarded 3 fishing boats and arrested the 3 fishermen who were attempting to safeguard their fishing gear which was in Broadhaven Bay. Previously the Department of Agriculture has stated that this was a civil matter between both parties and should be resolved in the courts however with both a heavy Gardaí presence and both the LE Orla and Aoife in Broadhaven Bay, it seems obvious that the State wishes to push this project through by force alone.
For more Information on the fishermens dispute see:

Notes: Below are the two letters handed to the Solitaire yesterday.
Please be advised that, if and when your vessel, the Solitaire should approach Broadhaven Bay, Co. Mayo - a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) for birds - it is my intention to begin a Hunger Strike to the death. I am aged 54 years 11 months and weigh 6 stone 9lbs. Given my age, weight, medical history (calcified TB since 1980) my death will take place relatively quickly but not painlessly. The toll extracted by eight years of activism to the Shell dictated, State facilitated Corrib Project is a not insignificant factor in hastening my death.
I place my Life or Death in the hands of the master of the Solitaire, Mr Simon van der Plicht. Be under no illusion that this is an idle threat. I will begin my Hunger Strike, as stated if and when The Solitaire approaches Broadhaven Bay - it will end in one of two ways.
1. On written confirmation by Mr van der Plicht that the Solitaire is outside Irish territorial waters, such confirmation to be faxed to Irish Times Marine Correspondent, Ms Lorna Siggins at fax no. +353 91 582184
2. My Death.
Maura Harrington,
Shell to Sea,
Sunday 10th August 2008
Co. Mayo,
FAO: The Master of the Solitaire, Simon van der Plicht
My name is Maura Harrington. I am Principal of Inver Primary School, situated beside Broadhaven Bay. I am a native of Erris and have spent all my life here.
My sense of personal outrage is driven by the primacy of Place - people come and go in nano seconds; Place endures.
As I write, my husband, who is a professional Public Registered Auditor, is entering his second month of continuous medical attention as a result of injuries sustained while in police custody (of dubious legality) in a matter related to your vessel's presence in Irish waters.
In early July I alerted your company's HQ legal division by phone, fax, email and registered post to the fact that your current contractor, Shell E&P Ireland Ltd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc) may have been somewhat economical with the truth when engaging the vessel of which you are master to carry out a pipe-lay operation as proposed/contracted.
I requested that my last communication per email to the legal department of Allseas would be brought to your attention. In the absence of any acknowledgement by the legal department of receipt of such I now attach a copy for your attention.
As stated therein, be under no illusion that I am anything other that deadly serious in my intent.
Maura Harrington,
Shell to Sea,
4th Sept, 2008
Five Rossport Solidarity campers have locked on to a bridge about 100m from the gates of the Shell compound in Glengad. The campers have been locked on since 4:30am - 5am. Gardaí have refused to call the fire brigade, but have put a makeshift wee tent over the protestors, and have cut a drain in the side of the road to allow lodging rain on the road to drain off.
Two fishing boat skippers (plus crews) have been arrested after Gardaí boarded the vessels as they approached the Solitaire at anchor in Broadhaven Bay. Local on-the-scene reports say that Pat 'the Chief' O'Donnell and his son Jonathan are among those arrested. Gardaí are alleging public order offences (I expect to hear they'll all be released without charges soon). Gardaí are preventing access now to the compound gates, where Maura Harrington remains in her car and on hunger strike. Gardaí are using the lock-on action as a pretext for stopping public movement along that stretch of road.There is only one protestor keeping watch on Maura with a camera, but supporters can get close to both of them through the fields nearby. Internet connection has returned to the Camp office, since about an hour before this posting.
Welcome to Ireland 2008 - Shell's little police state!
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