During 17th -21st the European Social Forum will be hosted by Malmo, an event planned to give social movements and radical organizations all over Europe the opportunity to enter into dialogue with each other. More than 20,000 people are expected to attend this five-day Forum which will offer seminars, workshops, and art events, including music, all with the slogan 'Another Europe is Possible.'
Invitation for participation in the Anti-capitalist Action Block run by Action Network on September 20th 2008.
The major demonstration during ESF in Malmo will take place on Saturday September 20th at 12.00. The demonstration will be divided into different blocks, where Action Network has organized the Anti-capitalist Action Block, which has a freedom of tendencies. It means that the block is open for participation for all groups who consider themselves anti-capitalist and revolutionary.
Why an anticapitalist block?
The Nordic countries have a long tradition of a mutual agreement between the state, the political parties and the unions. This has caused us to forget the political disobedience that characterized our movement one hundred years ago. We have chosen to organize an anti-capitalist block because we do not believe in parliamentary reforms or lobbying as a strategy for change. The cooperation between states and major corporations to keep the capitalist order in place needs to be overthrown by unity and cooperation between the oppressed peoples of the world. Change does not come from above- It´s organized from below.
For more information about the planned activities by Action Network during ESF 2008. See further on our homepage www.esf2008action.net
Resources needed
The five days of action will need a lot of resources. We ask for support to make the make the best possible out of the actions. Do you have a travelling kitchen that can provide food for many people? Have you worked with Trauma Support/Out of Action areas? Do you have ideas for cultural events in the evenings?
Practical information Due to a shortage of facilities we have to direct you to the official ESF who will provide sleeping places for the participants of the forum. We will focus our resources to provide accommodation for people with children or other special needs. There will also be an area close to Malmo where sleeping places for a limited number of people will be available. This place is also recommended if people need to take a break from the actions for a shorter time.
Hope to see you in Malmo in September!
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