It's online here:

'Change We Can Believe In? - A Red Pepper Blog On the Meaning of Barack Obama's Presidential Candidacy for the Global Left'
Barack Obama is now the Democratic Party’s nominee for the US presidential elections. For many, his candidacy, and the movement which surrounds it, has been the source of optimism for ‘change we can believe in’. Elsewhere, it has been greeted by scepticism. Both the sincerity of his claims, and the potential for any kind of ‘meaningful’ transformation to be ushered in via the Office of the President of the United States have been called into question. Others still have argued that there is much more he could say and do, pledge and – perhaps – implement.
This blog provides a space to debate these issues. What kind of changes might it mean in the fields of racial, gender and economic relations? What could his presidency mean for international relations, world order and the ‘war on terror’? And: what space – globally – could an Obama presidency open and/or close for social movements to enable a shift to the left?
I will be commissioning comment and opinion pieces between now and the November election. Everything will be open for your comment.
This blog is edited in association with Red Pepper magazine.

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