( SEPT 23 london/national demo meeting, 5 cally road Kings Cross
- downstairs from the www.globalclimatecampaign.org HQ,
. . . . in the bookshop ( booze etc after!!!! ) )
REMEMBER, GLOBAL CLIMATE TURBULENCE ACTION DAY IS SATURDAY DECEMBER 6th. . . . in LONDON, mass march past USA embassy to Trafalgar square, with super-critical mass . . . . timed to have crucial effect in the middle of the polish preparatory meeting for the UN POST-KYOTO SHAPE OF THE WORLDS REACTION TO THE ACCELERATING DISASTERS WE HAVE CAUSED TO THE WORLDS ENVIRONMENT . . . . or rather, allowed a few people with a few big corporations to think they could get away with the most stupid short termist looting exercise in the history of the world . . . . what with their lack of luxury "escape pods" etc.
ETC ( !!!! ) . . . . THAT WAS PEOPLE, THAT WAS!
( or rather, oil corporations )
BUT PROFITS INCREASE, so it seems they pay for distraction from sense when people agree, then try to minimise action on these factors, take peoples minds off some of the most straightforward solutions.
If this WAS a war, governments couldnt get away with kowtowing to the high paying "support" industries of these pariah, parasitical, self-suiciding, thoughtless corporates . . . . ten times oil-price increase in ten years - when there isnt ten times less oil - we were getting fleeced, ripped off, poisoned . . . . but the worlds future is getting choked as the atmosphere is getting fried up.
meeting for london demo, at the bookshop, 7pm, september 23rd. . . . see you there, or get in touch, or sort your own plotting get-together
www.campaigncc.org 0207 8339311
c h e e r s !