Barclays Demo:

Staples Demo:

actually opening the doors to the lobby and chanting, "500 Animals died today, Barclays Capital is to blame!" and "Your money, Your fault!" through two megaphones! Think Barclays and the office neighbors got the point?
Barclays Capital has been on the receiving end of a global campaign in 19 countries demanding that they divest from HLS (LSR and NYSE). In DC alone, there have been several home and office demos demanding that they sell
all their shares and completely server their ties with HLS!
After Barclays, DARTT activists moved on to Staples. Staples locations in DC have seen many demonstrations. We thought they needed to be reminded that we will not stand for their shady actions of delivering office supplies in disguised vehicles inside the gates of hell, aka HLS.
Once again, activists announced that we had Office Depot Job applications for any Staples employee that wanted to make the compassionate choice and quit their job in protest of the 180,000+ animals that are mutilated and tortured every year by the hands of sick and demented technicians at Huntingdon Life Sciences.
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