08/14/08 - Spark LP Dumped All Shares
08/09/08 - Actions Against Huntingdon Life Sciences
08/06/08 - Vanguard Group Inc. Dumped 93% of their holdings
08/03/08 - WAR Launches Against LSR Investor Barclays Global Investors
07/27/08 - Operation: IX3 Continues at Home of HLS CEO, Novartis Exec & HLS Supplier
WAR Focuses on LSR Investor Barclays Global Investors & Staples
Demo #1: Staples – 800 Third Avenue
Activists began their afternoon of animal advocacy at a prominent Manhattan branch of Staples Office Supplies. Although this is not one of their larger locations, the heavy foot traffic and vehicular traffic of Third Avenue make it a perfect place to reach the public. Hundreds of flyers were distributed to a largely sympathetic crowd.
Demo #2: Kevin Baer - Barclays Global Investors
Next up was the luxury high-rise building of Kevin Baer, Trader at Barclays Global Investors. Last time activists visited, approximately three weeks ago (August 3, 2008), they were told that Mr. Baer was out of town for the weekend. This time the story changed, as activists were told that Kevin Baer had moved away some time ago. Since this is something activists hear routinely from doormen, it did nothing to stop or impede the demonstration.
Many building residents expressed disgust for the continued use of animals for toxicity and product testing. Many promised to contact Barclays to ask them to divest of their shareholding in LSR. Despite the fact the demonstration was peaceful and totally in compliance with both local ordinances and court restraining orders, the NYPD arrived and attempted to stop the protest. After short discussions and at least one threat to arrest everyone if they did not leave the protest, the patrolmen apparently changed their minds and “allowed” the protest to continue.
Demo #3: Joy Hou - Barclays Global Investors
With police officers following, activists moved to their next and final destination of the evening…. A return visit to the home of Joy Hou another of Barclays Traders. The building doorman was quick to come out and tell activists that Joy Hou had moved out of the building some time ago. Interesting that both Joy and Kevin have supposedly moved months ago even though both building confirmed their residence only 3 weeks ago!
Once again, ice cubes and larger chunks of ice were hurled on protesters from an open window/terrace. The hurlers had bad aim though and hit the NYPD patrol car instead. Instead of turning their anger on the ones throwing things out the window, the police turned their anger on the demonstrators.
Again, a peaceful legal demonstration was the target of NYPD repression and strong arm tactics as police continuously interrupted to tell activists not to step off the curb even though the activists in question were either crossing the street to speak to neighbors or hand them flyers, or, in one case to photograph the demonstration. In one case, an activist was told that he could not speak to a neighbor who had stopped their vehicle in order to find out more about the protest.
As activists prepared to wrap up the demo a nasty piece of neighborhood trash approached the demonstrators to give them a piece of her small mind about how the protest was frightening her small children….the same small children who were playfully giggling and scampering around the sidewalk during the entire conversation….not looking or acting the least bit frightened. The loud mouthed woman kept harping away until out of frustration, the posters and banner were unloaded and the protest went back to full swing. Having been drowned out by the raised voices of disgusted activists, the idiot finally left.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Actions Huntingdon Life Sciences
Demo #2: Peter Laventhol, Spark Management
Huntingdon Life Sciences investor Peter Laventhol of Sparks was next on the activists agenda. Signs with of bloody beagle puppies and monkeys replaced the anti-fur signs and banners and hundreds of flyers were distributed to Laventhol’s neighbors and visitors to nearby MoMA (Museum of Modern Art).
Demo #5: Stephanie Goldstein – Barclays Global Investors
Last stop of the afternoon was the Fifth Avenue hi-rise home of Stephanie Goldstein, who was listed as an employee of Barclays Global Investors. Once the protest was started, activists were approached by a gentleman who was related to Stephanie, who claimed that she no longer worked for Barclays Global Investors. It was suggested that Stephanie contact WAR to discuss the situation, which she did. Stephanie subsequently contacted WAR and indicated that she was totally opposed to animal testing and that she found the work done by Huntingdon Life Sciences to be disgusting and reprehensible. Stephanie thanked WAR for educating her about the horrors at Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
WAR Launches Against LSR Investor Barclays Global Investors
Demo #1: Franklin Robinson – Barclays Global Investors
First stop of the evening was the Upper East Side home of Franklin Robinson Hedge Fund Manager for Barclays Global Investors. Barclays is currently the largest institutional investor of Huntingdon Life Sciences (trading under the ticker symbol LSR) with a huge holding of 279,842 shares. Activists are asking that Barclays make the same ethical choice that previous major investors (Eagle Assets and H Partners) have and divest their shares of LSR.
Until then activists will continue to educate Robinson’s friends and neighbors about the horrors and atrocities perpetrated by Huntingdon Life Sciences and that Barclays owns a large share of that suffering and cruelty.
Demo #2: Kevin Baer - Barclays Global Investors
Second stop was the luxury building of Kevin Baer who is a Trader at Barclays Global Investors. The doorman confirmed that Kevin was a resident of the building but was out of town for the weekend. This did not dissuade activists from continuing the protest, as they were sure that somehow Kevin would get the message.
In order to make sure that Kevin did know that activists had been by to visit, messages were scrawled on the public portion of the sidewalk in water-soluble chalk. Hopefully, he got the message.
Demo #3: Joy Hou -Barclays Global Investors
Final stop of the evening was the building of Joy Hou also a Trader with Barclays Global Investors. Building management confirmed that Joy was a resident of the building. What was originally scheduled to be a short protest was elongated by the repressive presence of the NYPD and the verbal and physical attacks on protesters by one of Joy’s next door neighbors.
Ice cubes were hurled on protesters from an open window/terrace. All this did was to cause activists to be more resolute and determined to make sure that neighbors got the message. “First amendment is our right, we will not give up this fight”….protesters chanted in even louder voices than before the unprovoked attack. Of course, police were busy doing whatever they do in their patrol car, while all of this was going on.
Video Clips:
Franklin Robinson - Barclays Global Investors

Kevin Baer - Barclays Global Investors

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Operation: IX3 Continues at Home of HLS CEO, Novartis Exec & HLS Supplier
Demo #1: Andrew Baker, Chief Puppy Killer – Huntingdon Life Sciences
Storm warnings did not keep activists from gathering at the Central Park West home of Andrew Baker, Chief Puppy Killer and major investor of Huntingdon Life Sciences. Protesters continue to show their resolve by continuing the monthly protests, which have been held for the past 5 years. As long as animals are tortured, mutilated, poisoned and killed by Huntingdon Life Sciences, activists have vowed to be at Andrew Baker’s doorstep.
This neighborhood continues to be one of the most consistently supportive of the anti-HLS campaign. These folks love animals and it shows. WAR welcomes a neighborhood activist who was accompanied by her two dogs, all of whom joined the picket line. The large Andrew Baker: Puppy Killer banner is an attention getter and many strolling Central Park West stopped to ask questions and to pick up literature. All seemed disturbed by the fact that a monster lives in their neighborhood.
Demo #2: Staples @ 2248 Broadway
Again, despite the rain protesters walked several blocks to what must be the most popular Staples Office Supply store in the city. Hundreds of flyers were distributed and a loud spirited protest drew the attention of shoppers and pedestrians from blocks away. Staples continues to be one of the best advocacy locations for this group of campaigners.
After hearing about the atrocities at Huntingdon Life Sciences, many refuse to enter the store, some go in only to tell store management how disappointed they are in Staples and others promise to contact Staples management.
Demo #3: Dorothy Watson - Novartis General Counsel
Last stop of the evening was the home of despicable Novartis executive, Dorothy Watson. Apparently Dorothy couldn’t care less that activists have been dogging her for many months. She has never once attempted to contact anyone and remains an enigma to activists. No wonder her neighbors hated her at her last address and no doubt at this one as well.
Once again, activists apologized to Urban Outfitters, whose storefront is unfortunately where the protest must be held, because of the court ordered restrictions against protesting directly in front of Dorothy’s building. Protesters have no issue with Urban Outfitters and do their best to let passersby know that it is Dorothy Watson and Novartis who have earned their enmity. “500 Animals Died Today, Dorothy Watson is to blame” is a common refrain meant to lay blame on the one who deserves it.
Video Clips:
Staples @ 2248 Broadway

Staples @ 2248 Broadway

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