my english is bad, but i hope you will understand it
After 1 week there a lot of demonstrations by left-wing groups and organisations in Germany and other european Countries. After that in Berlin was founded the Kurdistan Solidarity Comitee(

With a lot of demonstrations the comitee wants to center the left-wing-view of the problems the kurdish community in Europe and also in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran has got. It was no big topic of the german left-wing since 1999 when Ocalan was kidnaped. The repression of the german state against kurdish activists, kurdish structures and media in Germany is also a big topic of the comitee.
The process by section §129b (supporting a forbidden organisation of an other country) against most probable members of PKK and the ban against the kurdish media RojTV were topics of a demonstration against repression of ca. 500 people.
Although there was a concentration of actions in the german capital Berlin in other german cities like Bremen, Munich or Cologne where a lot of actions which demonstrated against the racist attacks in october 2007, the war in kurdistan or the ban of RojTV, too.
But the offensive of the german state was not only against the kurdish community. By press and media there were an agitation against the Kurdistan Solidarity Comitee and ist press-speaker Nikolaus Brauns. Press called him a people who is in actually contact to the PKK. The PKK is a forbidden organisation in Germany since nearly 15 years. This agitation against the comitee was pushed by the right-conservative party CDU/CSU (christ-democratic union/christ-social union).
Actually there is an international antiracist camp in Diyarkakir/turkish-Kurdistan planned by the Kurdistan Solidarity Comitee in order to connect european, turkish and kurdish left-wing activists. In Europe there are still a lot of activist who think that the kurdish movement is a stalinist-nationalist movement. It is not the truth!