On the same day: Protest against monkey export in Belgium http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/08/406777.html
So, the perfect target to confront once again.
Unlike the last demos which we did at the end of their working day, we stood here from 07:30 in the morning to voice our disgust about their dealings with HLS and greet the GSK workers. It is not enough for GSK to torture animals in this plant at Rue de l'Insitut, Rixensart, they're also one of the main customers of Europe's sickest commercial lab.
The national press was there in numbers! See one example here in French http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com/2008/08/internationale-dierenactivisten-anti.html.
Never doubt our determination to close down HLS!
This action was dedicated to Dan Amos http://www.myspace.com/supportdan, AR prisoner. We will never forget our imprisoned comrades! Dan, you are an inspiration for us!
We will continue the fight!