Nepal to research labs in the USA.
office to speak to an official, which they did.
Meanwhile outside other protesters stood at the entrance to the building holding placards and giving out leaflets to passers by about the situation in Nepal. Some people from Nepal who were leaving the embassy came to talk to us and were very interested in the information we were giving out. Also some young tourists who were planning a holiday in Nepal spoke to us, all of them were in support of our campaign.
After a while police arrived and said that the embassy was on a private road, and that we were not allowed to protest there. We were not happy
about this, but eventually lots of police arrived and made it clear we would be removed. So we walked down the road giving out leaflets and holding placards. We continued the protest at the end of the road, as all visitors to the embassy had to pass by us to get there, and we also reached lots of people on the main road.
Our two colleagues inside the embassy were told by a Nepalese diplomat that they were aware of the campaign and they arrange an appointment to
discuss the situation at greater length on a different occasion, they seemed genuine and we hope we will be given a sympathetic hearing.
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The Campaign Response....
12.08.2008 15:14
The New Campaign Poster: (available on request)
However, the fact that it's a private road doesn't stop people from visiting the embassy in person to register their concerns face to face:
Nepalese Embassy
12A Kensington Palace Gardens,
W8 4QU,
United Kingdom
Tel : 0044 - 20 - 7229 - 1594/6231/5352
Fax : 0044 - 20 - 7792 - 9861
If you don't live in London then just pick up the phone and politely ask them why they're scheming with American vivisectors to sell their sacred wildlife, (monkeys are considered sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists), to vivisection laboratories for $300 each.
The Gateway to Hell Research Team has also uncovered a new demo location in London, which as far as we can tell is not on a private road, which our UK campaign supporters might find better for protests, and will hopefully give the police less opportunity for harassment:
Nepalese Tourist Board's Honorary Public Relations Representative,
133 A Wembley Park Drive,
HA9 8HQ, London
Tel : +44-20-8900-9485,
Mobile: +44-79-3954-5884
Again, If you don't live in London then pick up the phone and let them know that you won't be travelling to Nepal until they abandon their plans to export monkeys and to demand the release of the poor souls trapped in themonkey farms to a safe environment where they can live out their natural lives free from human interference.
Finally, don't forget to check out the latest campaign update which exposes the Nepalese government for the liars they are:
They claimed the monkey farms don't exist...We give you the pictures!
They claimed they don't have a policy of monkey farming....We give you the proof!
They claimed that CITES prevents the monkey exports...We give you the evidence!
The Nepalese government has shamefully lied about their collusion with American vivisectors for too long....Now is the time to confront them with the truth before the monkeys are sent to their deaths in the University of Washington's laboratories!
Campaign materials are also now available. The flyer for the Nepalese embassy in London is available for download from this article and the new campaign poster is available on request from the campaign...Get out there and fight for the Nepalese monkeys before it's too late!!!
All demo reports, (with pictures if possible), and requests for campaign materials should to be sent to: info[at]
Neither The Stop Monkey Business Coalition, (SMBC), The Coalition Anti-Vivisection, (CAV), nor the Gateway to Hell Campaign, (GTHC), assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of its use. Nothing in this email is intended to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful activity. Nothing in this alert is intended to promote such conduct and neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC assume any responsibility for the missuse of this information, which is provided solely for the purposes of lawful protest. The SMBC, the CAV and the GTHC actively encourage all recipients to act responsibly but assume no responsibility for the actions of others.
The Gateway to Hell Team