and offers meeting and fun at Circeo (Latina, Italy)
on days 22, 23 and 24 of August, 2008.
Hello to all members and friends!
The Sempre Verde Voluntary Association wakes up
and offers meeting and fun at Circeo (Latina, Italy)
on days 22, 23 and 24 of August, 2008.
Go Parks - No Nuke Camping
Circeo 2008
three days of sea, mountain walking, music and fun
a meeting to show support for the protected area
and opposition to pollution and risks of nuclear energy.
Accomodation in a campsite near the beach,
trekking on Monte Circeo
and diving in the blue and green National Park.
The cost for 2 nights camping
and dinner / concert on Saturday
is 30 euros per person,
The campsite is located at Sabaudia (Latina, Italy)
Sant'Andrea Campsite
S. Andrea street No 36 / b
04016 Sabaudia (Latina) Italy
Tel. +39 0773 593105
for contacts and info:

+393357126978 Francesco
+393351719966 Alessio
Who lives in the surrounding of course may participate in initiatives
without remaining at the campsite for sleeping
and people can come only for the trekking or for the concert:
no problem!
Friday, August 22, 2008
6:00 pm
arrival: greetings and tents mounting,
free dinner and evening on the seashore.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
8:30 am.
trekking on Mount Circeo
from Torre paola to the Circe Peak.
Needed: hiking shoes,
backpack, water and snack.
arrival 11:30 am
lunch break and descent
4:30 pm
return to beach
rest, sunbathing and swimming
6:30 pm
debate initiative
"Return to nuclear energy
and nature protection:
two realities in contrast"
A meeting where experts explain to the public,
in a meeting open to debate,
the risks of nuclear and other sources of pollution
when in contact with natural resources
and protected areas.
- Stefano Raimondi (Legambiente Sabaudia)
- Alessandro Loreti (Greens Latina)
- Roberto Lessio (Journalist of "Il caffè")
- Stefano Morea (Circeo National Park)
8:30 pm
10:30 pm
"Canusia" in concert:
folk songs and dances
following: performance of percussion
and jam sessions open to everyone
Sunday, August 24, 2008
10:00 am
down to the beach
swimming and beach tennis,
continue as you like!
We expect a lot of friends!
Francesco, Alessio and Daniele
Sempre Verde voluntary association.
Sempreverde mailing list:

Sempre Verde web site

Sempreverde mailing list

Sempre Verde web site

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