"In the early morning of Aug. 2, the Mexican ALF carried out an attack against the multinational chain of fast "food," McDonalds, in Mexico State; this time red paint was spilled on their windows, walls and floor; several messages like 'You will burn', 'Meat is murder', 'Multinational killer', No More', 'Murderers' and various ALF symbols were painted on the building.
The reasons to attack this multinational are abundant and this is just a reminder for abusers of animals:
We are many and at the same time no one, we are everywhere, watching you and if you are careless we will do our work.
FLA Mexico"
received anonymously (translation):
"On July 30 we rescued three chickens from a farm in Alcabón (Toledo). They were found in a concentration camp devoted to the fattening of chickens for meat consumption. Upon entering we found dozens of dead chickens on the ground and many others suffering. After taking the chickens we brought them to a veterinarian, but despite the care they were given two of them died because they all suffered from bloody diarrhea. The third enjoys freedom in a garden.
This is the only way to rescue those animals that are being exploited at this moment. But the only way that animal exploitation disappears is veganism.
Against speciesism always
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