A public art work celebrating the role played by the Abraham Lincoln Battalion, the US dupes of and cannon fodder for the Stalinist counter-revolution in Spain, was dedicated this past May on San Francisco's Embarcadero, behind the fountain on Justin Herman Plaza, at the foot of Market Street.
Sometime during the week preceeding July 19th, some person or persons unknown gave this monument to one of the big lies of 20th century history, an example of the anti-fascism ideology of the Popular Front period, an appropriate makeover. The Stalinist art work was grafittied with the message, "Viva Durruti Y Orwell," in what appears to be red and black spray paint.
Workers Memory Project
"...If only to make them cry, let us remind the retarded devotees of the anarchist-Marxist feud(6) that the CNT-FAI — with its dead weight of anarchist ideology, but also with its greater practice of liberatory imagination — was akin to the Marxist KAPD-AAUD (Communist Workers Party of Germany-General Workers Union of Germany) in its organizational arrangements. In the same way as the German Communist Workers Party, the Iberian Anarchist Federation saw itself as the political organization of the conscious Spanish workers, while its AAUD, the CNT, was supposed to take charge of the management of the future society. The FAI militants, the elite of the proletariat, propagated the anarchist idea among the masses; the CNT did the practical work of organizing the workers in its unions. There were two essential differences, however, the ideological one of which was to bear the fruit one could have expected of it. The first was that the FAI did not strive to take power, but contented itself with influencing the overall policies of the CNT. The second was that the CNT really represented the Spanish working class. Adopted on 1 May 1936 at the CNT congress at Saragossa, two months before the revolutionary explosion, one of the most beautiful programs ever proclaimed by a revolutionary organization was partially put into practice by the anarchosyndicalist masses, while their leaders foundered in ministerialism and class-collaboration. With the pimps of the masses, García Oliver, Secundo Blanco, etc., and the brothel-madam Montseny, the antistate libertarian movement, which had already tolerated the anarcho-trenchist Prince Kropotkin, finally attained the historical consummation of its ideological absolutism: government anarchists.(7)
"In the last historical battle it was to wage, anarchism was to see all the ideological sauce that comprised its being fall back into its face: State, Freedom, Individual, and other musty ingredients with capital letters; while the libertarian militians, workers and peasants were saving its honor, making the greatest practical contribution ever to the international proletarian movement, burning churches, fighting on all fronts against the bourgeoisie, fascism and Stalinism, and beginning to create a truly communist society..."
Rene Reisel, Preliminaries on Councils and Councilist Organization.
taken here from 'The Situationist International Anthology,' at

1. The US left-liberal protest ghetto websites

2. An academic named Peter N. Carroll, quoted offering fulsome syrupy praise to the veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion on one of the panels of the Stalinist Big Lie monument, has also been making a nuisance of himself in connection to this.
Carroll's e-mail address is:
"Carroll Ferrary"
3. And a final point of clarification, for any cops and leftist snitches reading this:
The Workers Memory Project does not necessarily take credit for this act of revolutionary propaganda against one of the most prominent examples of counter-revolutionary Stalinist public art in the contemporary English-speaking world, a small act of solidarity with all the revolutionaries murdered by Stalinist butchers during the Spanish Civil War -- but we enthusiastically applaud this action.
And if we were going to do something like this, this is exactly what we would have done.
San Francisco's Stalinist Embarcadero monument is in a perfect location for repeated revolutionary communist re-vandalization. It can be transformed into a living memory to the attempted social revolution in Spain and an ongoing reminder of the role played by the Stalinist counter-revolution in the bloody defeat of the authentic communist movement of the twentieth century.
Spray-paint graffiti tips:
The San Francisco Embarcadero monument to the Stalinist counter-revolution in the Spanish Civil War is three rows of stone panels in a single structure. The bottom two rows are invisible to cars driving by on the Embarcadero, for example police vehicles. The bottom two rows are more or less level with the gaze of most people who will walk past, and are the best place to post your message.
Any legal hassles that come one's way from doing what's right to the SF Embarcadero's Stalinist artwork will be the same if the person doing the graffiti does a good job or a bad one. So do it right. As soon as the paint begins to hit the surface, be calm, go slow; make the letters fat and dark. If you want to be a perfectionist, do the letters first in red, and then go over them again in black. The results will catch the eyes of passerbys much more effectively.
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