He is feeling a little down being in the new prison and does not have access to his property that was left behind in Butner, NC. Andy also does not have phone access and very minimal time allowed for visitation and has requested for his birthday that people send him pictures.
- He can receive standard and 4x6 inch photos and anything printed off a computer and has requested pictures of his friends and partner.
- He would also like pictures from anyone who has written him that he hasn't met before, he wants to see the faces of all those nice people.
- He would like pictures from AR conferences or gatherings, concerts and shows (specifically Strike Anywhere), or the beach.
Please continue to write and support Andy, the letters, cards and pictures that he will receive will mean everything to him.
Andrew Stepanian #26399-050
USP Marion
US Penitentiary
PO Box 1000
Marion, IL 62959
The SHAC 7 are 6 activists and a corporation, SHAC USA Inc., who were found guilty of conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, in their alleged role in simply campaigning to close down the notorious vivisection laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). For more info on the lab at

Andy Stepanian - 18/06/08

Josh Harper - 14/07/08