Over the last six months Hansen has taken the unusual step of writing in a personal capacity to various heads of states asking them to bring in a moratorium on new coal. The first letter he wrote was to Prime Minister Gordon Brown last December. He wrote:
"Your leadership is needed on a matter ... with ramifications for life on our planet, including all species ... [A] decision to phase out coal use unless the CO2 is captured is a global imperative, if we are to preserve the wonders of nature, our coastlines, and our social and economic well-being ... If Britain and Germany halted construction of coal-fired power plants that do not capture and sequester the CO2 it could be a tipping point for the world."
Our first guest is Leila Deen from the World Development Movement about the campaign against Gordon Brown's plans to build seven new coal-fired power stations without requiring them to have Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology.
Our second is Georgina Woods who speaks to us by 'phone from Australia on the final day of the country's first Camp for Climate Action - a week long event which culminated in the country's biggest ever direct action against the country's coal exporting industry.
James Hansen letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Stop Kingsnorth

Camp for Climate Action

Coal is Dirty

Emails between govt & E.On