Today's targets are the media and mass-communication outlets inside Nepal, these are the people who have the capacity to inform the Nepalese society about the clandestine plans to send monkeys to brutal deaths inside laboratories. Their support in this campaign will be pivotal and, as with the tourism industry you can be sure that they will know nothing about the planned exports of their sacred wildlife.
PHASE 1 -- Making The News:
We must show the Nepalese media the global reach of this campaign by doing a mass mail-in to every Newspaper, Radio Station and TV Channel in Nepal. Whilst they maybe aware that the Stop Monkey Business campaign has global partners outside Nepal, now is the time for a mass show of support to show the 6 major Nepalese newspapers that this campaign is truly global and the potential effect we could have on Nepal's tourism industry...Today the campaign makes the News!
There is only 1 Phase to todays action alert and only has one small block of emails, but it is VITAL that people engage with today's protest! Today we're also asking you to add your country, as well as your name, to show the global nature of this campaign.
For ease and convenience, we suggest that you copy the Sample Letter into a Text Editor, (such as Word, Notepad or whatever you use) That way you can edit the letter and then copying and pasting your message into emails becomes as simple as a few clicks.
It is also vitally important that you attach a picture to the email for phase 1 of todays alert.
Image Gallery:

Please choose something that truly sums up the primate research industry, the suffering, the cruelty and the despair. We must show these people the true horrors which will be inflicted on Nepal's sacred monkeys if these exports start.
It is also a good idea to rename the picture something simple and descriptive, like 'monkey1' or similar, so the recipient is more likely to open it.
(Please Remember To Add Where You Are From At The Bottom):
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a representative of the International Stop Monkey Business Coalition, a worldwide campaign to stop the export of rhesus monkeys to vivisection laboratories. The Stop Monkey Business Coalition is a network of animal rights campaigners across Europe and the USA who have already staged numerous protests at Nepalese Embassies and Consulates worldwide. The frequency and intensity of the demonstrations, (and the campaign), is growing, and just this week there will be protests in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the UK and the USA at Nepalese Embassies and Consulates.
We take the issue of primate experimentation very seriously and we are determined to stop it once and for all. Whilst the American 'scientists' and the Nepalese government may assure you that primate experimentation is necessary to find cures for human illnesses, the truth is rather different!
Research into primate experimentation has demonstrated that the results cannot be safely applied to humans, they are often misleading and are as likely to cause harm to human as to benefit them. I invite you to look at just some of the harm caused to humans because they took medicines tested on animals:

I also invite you to consider the fate which awaits Nepalese monkeys when they arrive at American research centres...These monkeys were from Mauritius, but the same fate awaits Nepalese monkeys, (Remember this is not a 'necessary evil'):

There are now many alternative research methods (methods which don't use living animals) that are capable of providing clinically relevant data and have been proven to be more accurate. However certain unscrupulous scientists are continuing to use animals in their research and are exploiting countries like Nepal for their own benefit.
The European Union has begun to phase out the use of primates in bio-medical research completely, however, an increasing number of primates are needed by the USA for bio-terrorism research, which is what the Nepalese monkeys are to be used for. Many countries have made changes to their legal systems to protect non-human primates, with Spain going so far as conferring the basic human rights on 'Great Apes'.

As I'm sure you are aware, monkeys are highly intelligent animals and maintain intricate social structures. Like humans, they have complex emotional lives, care for one another and show love to their babies just as we humans do to our children. Ethically, I believe that using monkeys in experiments that inflict mental and physical pain is both unacceptable and unconscionable regardless of the benefit.
The current political mood in 'western' nations is for greater protection of animals, with 'animal rights' now featuring prominently on progressive, liberal political agendas. It should be noted that the type of tourist who visits Nepal is exactly the type of person to adhere to these progressive and liberal views of animal protection, which could cause real damage to the Nepalese tourist industry if Nepal gets a reputation for farming and exporting monkeys to vivisection laboratories.
I pledge to do everything in my power to expose the callous exploitation of Nepal's rhesus monkeys to the people of my country, and I call upon you, as the responsible democratic media of Nepal, to provide accurate coverage of both the international campaign of which I am a supporter and to use your influence to ensure that these exports are stopped before this stain on Nepal's reputation as a progressive nation becomes too well established.
Yours sincerely,
For more information on the campaign to save Nepal’s monkeys see:

In the event that the formatting of the sample letter has become skewed during this message's passage across the internet you can find an online copy here:

Emails, (in blocks of 25):

The validity of contact details cannot be guaranteed. During campaigns, recipients may change or disable their email addresses and contact details from government, corporate, or institute websites may be incorrect.
For More Information on The Stop Monkey Business Campaign:

For The Latest Campaign Updates See:

To Find Your Local Nepalese Embassy or Consulate:

Campaign Materials Are Available From:

Neither The Stop Monkey Business Coalition, (SMBC), The Coalition Anti-Vivisection, (CAV), nor the Gateway to Hell Campaign, (GTHC), assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of its use. Nothing in this email is intended to encourage illegal action in whatever country you are reading it in. Neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC engage in, nor support, any form of harassment or unlawful activity. Nothing in this alert is intended to promote such conduct and neither the SMBC, the CAV nor the GTHC assume any responsibility for the missuse of this information, which is provided solely for the purposes of lawful protest. The SMBC, the CAV and the GTHC actively encourage all recipients to act responsibly but neither assume nor accept any responsibility for the actions of others.