From the No! G8 Legal Team
July 6, 2008
* Arrestees are still in jail and face years in prison
* Local organizers may face arrests
* Arrestees and organizers friends and families are facing harassment and possible house raids by police
Activists and organizers are asking local groups and individuals to call, e-mail, visit and protest at Japanese embassies over the unjust arrests, detentions, deportations, and repression occurring around counter-G8 mobilization in Japan.
Japanese police continue to escalate repression against protestors of the Group of 8 Summit. This is part of a growing trend of the suppression of human rights in Japan. Yesterday’s demonstration of approximately five thousand was lined with and sometimes boxed in by several thousand police in full riot gear. At least four people – including a Reuters reporter – were arrested Saturday, July 5th, with no apparent cause. In one arrest, the police shattered the window of a sound truck and dragged out the driver. Hours after the demonstration ended the legal team had already received numerous reports of police misconduct.
This latest action comes after weeks of repressive activity on behalf of the police and government. Activists throughout Japan have been arrested at demonstrations and in their homes, often on “technical” charges, such as not registering a change of address. Overt surveillance of activists, academics and reporters has been taking place for months, and with some local activists for years. International conference participants and protesters have been interrogated for hours at the border and many have been denied entry into the country without warrant. The legal team sees this as a violation of people’s right to freely exchange ideas.
“What we have witnessed in the streets of Sapporo is part of an ongoing and escalating campaign to suppress the movement for real democracy in Japan,” said Marina Sitrin, professor and member of the National Lawyers Guild, a US based human rights organization that is a part of the No! G8 Legal Team.
“We were surprised by the excessive force used by police in today’s demonstration,” said Ko Watari, of WATCH, a Japanese legal network created to document police and government misconduct during the anti G8 protests. “This was a non-violent demonstration where no acts against property or people took place, or even appeared likely to take place.” The arrested Reuter’s cameraman was standing on a public sidewalk when seized by plainclothes police; his video camera was confiscated and has not been returned. The arrest of the sound truck driver followed immediately thereafter. Footage of the driver’s arrest shows him screaming in pain as the police pulled him out of the truck, his foot stuck in the steering wheel.
Protesters are organizing various events in the upcoming days of the G8 Summit, between the 7th and 9th of July. The No! G8 Legal Team will be paying close attention to the behavior of the police and government. “Labor and peace movement leaders are concerned that the police will arrest them for organizing these protests, search their homes and interrogate their family members,” said Dan Spalding, Legal Worker Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild.
Japanese law permits police to hold and interrogate suspects in the police station for 23 days without formal charges. They can interrogate suspects for up to 12 hours at a time. While detained arrestees can be forced to sit on their knees the entire time they are awake, not being able to move, even to use the bathroom without asking permission. This permission is not always granted.
“We take all arrests very seriously, and the specifics of the procedure, such as the 23 day detainment in the police station, the absence of lawyers to oversee the conditions of process, the physical violence involved in the interrogations, not being allowed medication, the fear of putting friends, family, and affiliations at risk are only a part of the damage. Its also about the anger and sense of shame which stays and creates more damage. It’s the humiliation of not being able to take care of your own.” Commented Gen, a participant in the counter G8 protests.
He continued: “I am personally grateful for the presence of activists from throughout the world. The spirit and experiences, levels of militancy they bring, for just being here in solidarity. Overall it has been a very energizing experience, and we are in high spirits. I am grateful for your continued presence and support. It is what authorities have tried to prevent through repressive measures. International solidarity and pressure at this moment will bring us to another level.”
*International pressure can help prevent more people being arrested.
*Please call, fax, and visit your local Japanese Consulate or Embassy. Ask to meet with or speak to the Consul General.
*Make a formal request that they report your human rights complaint with officials in Japan. Consulates are supposed to report all complaints regarding human rights to their home country offices when it is requested formally.
Link to footage of brutal arrest of sound truck driver:

Link to footage of Reuters reporter arrest, the truck driver and some of the demonstration.

Below is a list of Japanese Consulates and Embassies:
Embassy of Japan in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Bouchard 547 Piso-17, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 3188200 Fax: 3188210
Embassy of Japan in Canberra, Australia - 112 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, Canberra A.C.T.2600, Australia. Tel: 62733244 Fax: 62731848
Consulate General of Japan in Sydney, Australia - Level 34, Colonial Centre, 52 Martin Place,Sydney, N.S.W. 2000, Australia. (G.P.O.Box No.4125 Sydney 2001) Tel: 92313455 Fax: 92216157
Embassy of Japan in Bahrain, Bahrain - 55 Salmaniya Avenue, Manama Town 327, Bahrain. (P.O.Box 23720) Tel: 716565 Fax: 715059
Embassy of Japan in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Plot No.5 & 7, Dutabash Road, Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tel: 870087, 871965 Fax: 886737, 883670
Embassy of Japan in Minsk, Belarus - Pr. Masherov 23/1, 8th Floor, 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Tel: 2236233, 2236037, 2234481 Fax: 2104180
Embassy of Japan in Brussels, Belgium - Avenue des Arts 58, 1000 Brusseles, Belgium. Tel: 5132340 Fax: 5131556
Embassy of Japan in La Paz, Bolivia - Calle Rosendo Gutierrez No.497 esq.Sanchez Lima, La Paz, Bolivia. (P.O.Box 2725) Tel: 373151, 373152, 366859, 366860 Fax: 391052
Embassy of Japan in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mula Mustafe Baseskije 2, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tel: 209580~2 Fax: 209583
Embassy of Japan in Brasilia, Brazil - Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 39, 70425, Brailia, D. Federal, Brasil. (Caixa Postal 07-391) Tel: 2426866, 2446912 Fax: 4439685, 2420738
Consulate General of Japan in Sao Paulo, Brazil - Avenida Paulista 854, 3-andar, CEP 01310-913 Sao Paulo, Brasil. Tel: 2870100 Fax: 2889460
Consulate General of Japan in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Praia do Flamengo, 200-10 andar, 22209-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Tel: 2655252, 2451714 Fax: 2057135
Embassy of Japan in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei - No.1 & No. 3 Jalan Jawatan Dalam, Kampong Mabohai, Bandar Seri Begawan 2092, Negara Brunei Darussalam.(Mail to : Embassy of Japan, P.O.Box 3001 Bandar Seri Begawan1930, Brunei) Tel: 229265 Fax: 229481
Embassy of Japan in Sofia, Bulgaria - Ul.Lyulyakova Gradina 14, Sofia, Bulgaria. Tel: 9712708, 9713437 Fax: 9711095
Embassy of Japan in Ottawa, Canada - 255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 9E6, Canada. Tel: 2418541 Fax: 2412232
Consulate General of Japan in Montreal, Canada - 600, rue de la Gauchetiere ouest, Suite 2120, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 4L8, Canada. Tel: 8663429 Fax: 3956000
Embassy of Japan in Santiago, Chile - Av. Ricardo Lyon 520, Providencia, Santiago, Chile. (Mail to : Casilla 124, Correo 35, Santiago, Chile) Tel: 2321807 Fax: 2321812
Embassy of Japan in Beijing, China - 7 Ri Tan Road, Jian Guo Men Wai, Beijing, People's Republic of China Tel: 65322361 Fax: 65324625
Embassy of Japan in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 7 No.71-21,Torre B(Piso 11) Edificio Avenida Chile, Santa fe de Bogota, Colombia. (Mail to : Apartado Aereo 7407, Santa Fe De Bogotá, Colombia) Tel: 3175001 Fax: 3174989
Embassy of Japan in San Jose, Costa Rica - Barrio Rohrmoser, Sabana Sur , Detras de la Contraloria General de la Republica , Oficentro la Sabana , Edifico 7 , Piso 3 , San Jose Costa Rica. (Apartado No.501 y No.10145) Tel: 2321255 Fax: 2313140
Embassy of Japan in Zagreb, Croatia - Ksaver 211, 1000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. Tel: 4677755 Fax: 4677766
Embassy of Japan in Havana, Cuba - Calle N No.62 Esq.15, Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. (Apartado No.752) ( Mail to : Paseo de la Reforma No.395, Col.Cuauhtemoc, 06500 Mexico, D.F., Mexico (Apartado 5-101) Tel: 333355, 333454, 333507, 333508, 333598 Fax: 333172
Embassy of Japan in Prague, Czech Republic - Maltezske namesti 6, Prague 1-Mala, Strana, Czech Republic. Tel: 57320561~4 Fax: 539997
Embassy of Japan in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Torre BHD 8 Piso, Avenida Winston Churchill, Esquina Luis F. Thomen Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. (P.O.Box 1236) Tel: 5673365~7, 5668023 Fax: 5668013
Embassy of Japan in Quito, Ecuador - Calle Juan Leon Mera, No.130 y Avenida Patria, Edificio de la Corporacion Financiera Nacional, 7-Piso, Quito, Ecuador. (P.O.Box 1721-01518, Quito, Ecuador) Tel: 561899, 563127, 563011 Fax: 503670
Embassy of Japan in Cairo, Egypt - 3rd Floor Cairo Center Building, 2 Abdel Kader Hamza Street, Garden City, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt. (P.O.Box 281) Tel: 3553962~4 Fax: 3563540
Embassy of Japan in San Salvador, El Salvador - Calle Loma Linda #258, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A. (Apartado #115) Tel: 2244740, 2244612 Fax: 2986685
Embassy of Japan in Tallinn, Estonia - 3rd Floor, Tallinn Business Center, 6 Harju Street, EE0100 Tallinn, Estonia. Tel: 310531, 310532 Fax: 310533
Embassy of Japan in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - House No.653, Kebele 7, Woreda 18, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (P.O.Box 5650) Tel: 511088 Fax: 511350
Embassy of Japan in Suva, Fiji - 2nd Floor, Dominion House, 1Suva, Fiji. (G.P.O.Box 13045) Tel: 304633 Fax: 302984
Embassy of Japan in Helsinki, Finland - Etelaranta 8 00130, Helsinki, Finland. Tel: 633011 Fax: 633012
Embassy of Japan in Paris, France - 7, Avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris, France. Tel: 48886200 Fax: 42275081
Embassy of Japan in Bonn, Germany - Godesberger Allee 102-104, 53175 Bonn, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tel: 81910 Fax: 379399
Consulate General of Japan in Berlin, Germany - 4 Etage. Kleiststrasse. 23-26, 10787 Berlin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tel: 210940 Fax: 21094222
Embassy of Japan in Accra, Ghana - No.8 Josif Broz Tito Ave., Off Jawaharlal Nehru Ave., Accra, Ghana. (P.O.Box 1637) Tel: 775615, 775616 Fax: 775951, 761696
Embassy of Japan in Athens, Greece - 2-4, Messoghion Avenue, Athens Tower Bldg., 21st Floor, Athens, Greece. Tel: 7758101~2, 7233732 Fax: 7758206
Consulate General of Japan in Guam, Guam - Suite 604, Guam International Trade Center Building, 590 South Marine Drive Tamuning, Guam 96911, U.S.A. (Mail to: P.O.Box AG Agana, Guam 96932, U.S.A. Tel: 6461290, 6465220 Fax: 6492620
Embassy of Japan in Guatemala City, Guatemala - 10 Piso, Edificio Torre Internacional,Avenida Reforma 16-85, Zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, 01010 Guatemala, C.A. (Apartado Postal No.531) Tel: 3672244 Fax: 3672245
Embassy of Japan in Tegucigalpa, Honduras - Col. San Carlos, Calzada Rep. Paraguay, Tegucigalpa, D.C., Honduras, C.A. (Mail to : Apartado Postal 3232, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.) Tel: 2365511 , 2362628~9 Fax: 2366110
Embassy of Japan in Harare, Honduras - 18F Karigamombe Centre, 53 Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, The Republic of Zimbabwe. (P.O.Box 2710) Tel: 757861 Fax: 757864
Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong - 46th & 47th Floors, One Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: 25221184~8 Fax: 28680156
Embassy of Japan in Budapest, Hungary - 1125 Zalai ut 7, Budapest, XII, Hungary.(P.O.Box 78) Tel: 2751275 Fax: 2751281
Embassy of Japan in New Delhi, India - 50-G, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India. Tel: 6876564, 6876581~3 Fax: 6885587
Consulate General of Japan in Calcutta, India - 12, Pretoria Street, Calcutta 700 071, India. Tel: 2422241~5 Fax: 2420954
Embassy of Japan in Jakarta, Indonesia - Jalan M.H. Thamrin 24, Jakarta, Indonesia. Tel: 324308 Fax: 3152859
Consulate General of Japan in Jakarta, Indonesia - Jalan M.H. Thamrin 24, Jakarta, Indonesia. Tel: 324308 Fax: 3152859
Embassy of Japan in Tehran, Iran - Bucharest Avenue, Corner of the 5th Street, Tehran, Iran. (P.O.Box No.11365-814) Tel: 8717923, 8713396, 8713974, 8717664, 8717922 Fax: 8713515
Embassy of Japan in Dublin, Ireland - Nutley Building, Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: 2694033, 2694244, 2692980 Fax: 2838726
Embassy of Japan in Tel Aviv, Israel - Asia House, 4, Weizman Street, 64 239 Tel-Aviv, Israel. Tel: 6957292 Fax: 6910516
Embassy of Japan in Rome, Italy - Via Quintino Sella, 60 00187 Roma, Italia. Tel: 487991 Fax: 4873316
Consulate General of Japan in Milan, Italy - Via Privata Cesare Mangili, 2/4, 20121, Milan, Italia. Tel: 6241141 Fax: 6597201
Embassy of Japan in Kingston, Jamaica - Mutual Life Center North Tower , 6 th floor , 2 Oxford Road , Kingston 5, Jamaica. (P.O.Box 8104, C.S.O.Jamaica) Tel: 9293338~9 Fax: 9681373
Embassy of Japan in Amman, Jordan - Between 4th and 5th Circles, Al-Aqsa Street, Jabal Amman, Amman, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (P.O.Box 2835, Amman 11181) Tel: 5930486, 5931487, 5930428 Fax: 5931006
Embassy of Japan in Almata, Kazakhstan - Kazibek Bi Road 41, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Tel: 608600 Fax: 608601
Embassy of Japan in Nairobi, Kenya - 15F.ICEA Building Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya. (P.O.Box 60202, Nairobi) Tel: 332955~9 Fax: 216530
Embassy of Japan in Seoul, Korea - 18-11 Choonghak-dong Chongro-ku, Seoul, Republic of Korea Tel: 7335626~8, 7334273, 7334274, 7345378, 7345379 Fax: 7344528
Embassy of Japan in Kuwait, Kuwait - Area No.9 Plot No.496, Jabriya, Kuwait. (P.O.Box 2304 Safat 13024) Tel: 5312870 Fax: 5326168
Embassy of Japan in Vientiane, Laos - Road Sisangvone, Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Tel: 414400~03 Fax: 414406
Embassy of Japan in Beirut, Lebanon - Officers' Club Street, Qarter of the Presidential Place, Lot No.2963-BAABDA, Beirut, Lebanon. (P.O.Box 3360) Tel: 922001, 922002, 922004, 924345~9 Fax: 922003
Embassy of Japan in Tripoli, Libya - Organization of African Unity Road, Dhat Al-Imad, Tower No.4, Halls No.13 & 14,Tripoli, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. (P.O.Box 3265) Tel: 3350056, 3350057 Fax: 3350055
Embassy of Japan in Vilnius, Lithuania - Vivulskio Str. No.6/8-1, 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania. (Mail to : P.O.Box 2940, Central Post Office, 2000 Vilnius, Lithuania) Tel: 231816 Fax: 231426
Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg, Luxembourg - 17, Rue Beaumont, L-1219 Luxembourg, Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. (Mail to : B.P.92 L-2010 Luxembourg, Grand-Duche de Luxembourg) Tel: 464151 Fax: 464176
Embassy of Japan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Levl l26 , Menara Lion 165 , Jalan Ampang , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia Tel: 2427044 Fax: 2426570
Consulate General of Japan in Penang, Malaysia - No.2, Biggs Road, 10350 Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 2268222, 2268306, 2268416, 2268496 Fax: 2265257
Embassy of Japan in Mexico City, Mexico - Paseo de la Reforma No.395, Col. Cuauhtemoc, 06500 Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Apartado 5-101) Tel: 2110028 Fax: 2077743
Embassy of Japan in Ponhpei, Micronesia - "Pami Building" 3rd Floor, Kolonia, Pohnpei, F.S.M.96941. (P.O.Box 1837) Tel: 3205465, 3206366 Fax: 3205470
Embassy of Japan in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - Marks Street, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. (Central P.O.Box 1011) Tel: 320777 Fax: 313332
Embassy of Japan in Yangon, Myanmar - No.100, Natmauk Road, Yangon, the Union of Myanmar.(P.O.Box 841) Tel: 549644~8 Fax: 549643
Embassy of Japan in Kathmandu, Nepal - Panipokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal. (P.O.Box No.264) Tel: 426680 Fax: 414101
Embassy of Japan in The Hague, Netherlands - Tobias Asserlaan 2, 2517 KC, The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: 3469544 Fax: 3106341
Embassy of Japan in Wellington, New Zealand - The Embassy of Japan Level 18 & 19, The Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street PO Box 6340, Wellington Tel: 4731540 Fax: 4712951
Consulate of Japan in Auckland, New Zealand - Level 12 , ASB Bank Centre , 135 Albert Street , Auckland , 1 , New Zealand . Tel: 3034106 Fax: 3777784
Embassy of Japan in Managua, Nicaragua - Plaza Espafia 1 cuadra abajo y 1 cuadra al lago, Bolonia, Managua, Nicaragua. (Apartado Postal 1789) Tel: 668668~71, 661773, 660924, 663206 Fax: 668566
Embassy of Japan in Lagos, Nigeria - Plot 24-25 Apese Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. (P.O. Box 2111) Tel: 2613797, 2614929, 2615984, 2616827 Fax: 2614035
Embassy of Japan in Oslo, Norway - Parkveien 33-B, 0244, Oslo 2, Norway. Tel: 551011, 551012 Fax: 442505
Embassy of Japan in Muscat, Oman - Villa No.760, Plot No.14/3, Jamiat Adual Al Arabya Street, (Arab Countries League Street) Way No.3011, Shati Al Qurm, Sultanate of Oman. (P.O.Box 3511, Postal Code 112) Tel: 601028, 603464 Fax: 698720
Consulate General of Japan in Karachi, Pakistan - 233,E.I.Lines Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan Road Karachi, Pakistan Tel: 5681332, 5681331 Fax: 5684627
Embassy of Japan in Islamabad, Pakistan - Plot Nos.53-70,Ramna 5/4 Diplomatic Enclave 1 Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: 279320, 279330, 218063, 218068 Fax: 279340
Embassy of Japan in Panama City, Panama - Calle 50 y 60E, Obarrio, Apartado No.1411, Panama 1, Republica de Panam. Tel: 2636155 Fax: 2636019
Embassy of Japan in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea - 1st & 2nd Floor, Cuthbertson House, Cuthbertson St.Port Moresby, NCD, Papua New Guinea. (P.O.Box 1040) Tel: 3211800, 3211483, 3211305, 3211367 Fax: 3214868
Embassy of Japan in Asunción, Paraguay - Avenida Mariscal Lopez No.2364, Asuncion, Paraguay. (Casilla de Correo No.1957) Tel: 604616, 604617, 603682, 606900 Fax: 606901
Embassy of Japan in Lima, Peru - Avenida San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru. (Apartado No.3708) Tel: 4630000 Fax: 4630302
Consulate General of Japan in Lima, Peru - Avenida San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru. (Apartado No.3708) Tel: 4630000 Fax: 4630302
Embassy of Japan in Manila, Philippines - 2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 1300, Philippines.(Mail to : Embassy of Japan, P.O.Box No.414, Pasay Central Post Office, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines) Tel: 5515710 Fax: 5515780
Consulate General of Japan in Manila, Philippines - 2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 1300, Philippines. Tel: 5515710 Fax: 5515780
Embassy of Japan in Warsaw, Poland - Atrium Business Center 1F, Al.Jana Pawla II 23, 00854, Warsaw, Poland. Tel: 6539430 Fax: 6539431
Embassy of Japan in Lisbon, Portugal - Av.da Liberdade, 245-6 1250 Lisbon, Portugal. Tel: 3110560 Fax: 3534802
Embassy of Japan in Doha, Qatar - Doha West Bay, Diplomatic Area, Doha, The State of Qatar. (P.O.Box 2208) Tel: 831224, 831225 Fax: 832178
Embassy of Japan in Bucharest, Romania - Strada Polona No.4, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania. Tel: 2100790~2 Fax: 2100272
Embassy of Japan in Moscow, Russia - Kalashny Pereulok 12, Moscow, Russia. Tel: 2918500, 2918501 Fax: 2001240
Embassy of Japan in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - A-11 Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (P.O.Box 4095) Tel: 4881100 Fax: 4880189
Consulate General of Japan in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - Al - Islam St. No. 32, Jeddah, 21431, Saudi Arabia. (P.O.Box 1260) Tel: 6652402, 6653421, 6604933 Fax: 6670373
Embassy of Japan in Singapore, Singapore - 16 Nassim Road, Singapore 258390 Tel: 2358855 Fax: 7331039 E-mail:

Embassy of Japan in Pretoria, South Africa - 2nd Floor, Sanlam Building Hatfield, 353 Festival Street, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083, Republic of South Africa. Tel: 3422100~4 Fax: 433922
Embassy of Japan in Colombo, Sri Lanka - No.20, Gregory's Road, Colombo 7, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (P.O.Box 822 Colombo) Tel: 693831~3 Fax: 698629
Embassy of Japan in Karthoum, Sudan - House No.67, Street 43, Khartoum One, Khartoum, Sudan. (P.O.Box 1649, Post Code 11111) Tel: 471601~2 Fax: 471600
Embassy of Japan in Paramaribo, Suriname - Gravenstraat #23-25, Paramaribo, Suriname.(P.O.Box 2921 Paramaribo) Tel: 474860 Fax: 412208
Embassy of Japan in Stockholm, Sweden - Gardesgatan 10, 115 27 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 6630440 Fax: 6618820
Embassy of Japan in Damascus, Syria - No.18 Al Mihdi Bin Baraka Street, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. (B.P.3366) Tel: 3338273, 3332553, 3339781 Fax: 3339920
Embassy of Japan in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania - Plot No.1018, Upanga, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (P.O.Box 2577) Tel: 115827, 115829, 117383, 117384, 115831 Fax: 115830
Embassy of Japan in Bangkok, Thailand - 1674 New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10320 Tel: 2526151-9 Fax: 2534153
Embassy of Japan in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - 5 Hayes Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.(P.O.Box 1039) Tel: 6285991 Fax: 6220858
Embassy of Japan in Ankara, Turkey - Kirlangic Sokak No.9, Gaziosmanpasa, Ankara, Turkey. (P.O.Box 31-Kavaklidere) Tel: 4660414 Fax: 4660421
Consulate General of Japan in Istanbul, Turkey - Bayildim Caddesi No.2, Macka, Swissotel the Bosphorus, Suite Tower 2nd Floor, Besiktas, 80680, Istanbul, Turkey. Tel: 2276810~4 Fax: 2276991
Embassy of Japan in Kampala, Uganda - Sheraton Kampala Hotel 3rd Floor, Ternan Avenue, Kampala, Uganda. (P.O. Box 23553) Tel: 347317, 347319 Fax: 347348
Embassy of Japan in Kiev, Ukraine - Regina Business Centre, 7th & 8th Floor, 4, Muzeyny Lane, 252001 Kyiv, Ukr Tel: 4620019, 0020, 2475500 Fax: 2475502
Embassy of Japan in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (P.O. Box 2430) Tel: 435696 Fax: 434219
Consulate General of Japan in Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 27th Floor, Dubai World Trade Centre Building, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (P.O.Box 9336) Tel: 319191 Fax: 319292
Embassy of Japan in London, United Kingdom - 101-104, Piccadilly, London, W1V 9FN, U.K. Tel: 4656500 Fax: 4919348
Embassy of Japan in Washington, United States of America - 2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C., 20008-2869, U.S.A. Tel: 2386700 Fax: 3282187
Consulate General of Japan in Washington, United States of America - 601 Union Street, Suite 500, Seattle, Washington 98101, U.S.A. Tel: 6829107~10 Fax: 6249097