July the 4th - IndYpendence Day
More than a year passed since the Italian IMCs got back to work with local
communities bringing into these environments the principles and methods
that shape the global Indymedia network. The need to create a ground for
everybody to become their own media, through open publishing and privacy
safeguarding, was felt by many as something that had to continue and that
could not stop along with the Italy IMC shutdown.
Limits and practices concerning the mainstream media haven't changed
during these years and the power imbalance governing the communication
process didn't decrease.
Today, the task of independent media isn't anymore just about providing a
space where open publishing is possible and different point of views can
be expressed, but it's more about safeguarding the characteristics of the
method ruling the Indymedia network and to gain accessibility and
interactiveness of the immense amount of information available on the net,
because of the fast evolution that has been pacing the web during these
latest years.
That's why the newborn local Italian IMCs decided to open up to a
nationwide project through the creation of an aggregator, a place made of
those different visions and media activism practices determined by the
needs of each local reality where the struggles and the information flow
coming from different locations could gather and reinforce.
The aggregator can potentially create a widespread community, as a result
of the collaboration between activist networks, social centres and
different communities involved in media activism that consider
italy.indymedia.org the conveyor of grassroots media coverage.
Right now, we still feel the need for a project able to gather the
specificities of the various local independent Italian coverage projects
and to provide a chance of production, elaboration and spreading of the
produced contributed contents, linked to an horizontal management of
communication, in its most extensive meaning.
The long-lasting process which redefined means and aims of Indymedia Italy
has come to an end. Now, a new phase begins.
On July, 4, Indymedia Italy will be back online.
The IndYpendence day isn't just a date. It's a symbol.
In 1054 for the Chinese was the explosion of the Crab Nebula.
In 1865 for the English was the publishing of Alice's Adventures in
In 1880 for the people from Pistoia, Italy, was the birth of the anarchist
writer Leda Rafanelli.
Every year, for everybody, is the aphelion, the day in which planet Earth
is in its maximum distance from the Sun.
For us, in 2008, it represents the return of a collective and independent
information project.
July the 4th - IndYpendence Day
You make plans, we make history.