Stop Violence Against Women Campaign, but MSM largely ignores the
calls of NGO's and interest groups to the UN- so enamoured are they
of our current Leaders who seem to spout cheap PR out of their well
endowed arses..

Isis ask regularly:

This month's WE! publication looks at Rape as a Tool of War, and whilst the
Guardian asked yesterday if there was a war against Women, many would say
that it's just mostly women cannot run away faster- being the main care-givers,
but lowest represented at the political and economic table.

UN and UNESCO have asked that governments deal with VAW on numerous
occasions, reports over the period since the Tsunami and Bush's second gulf war
suggest that no-one is listening to those who desire change and though
many communities are re-building, the consultative level appears to be with
the men in the communities.

If you are opposed to Violence Against Women.
One in three are effected, then sign the petition and send it to three friends today.
[one of the easiest tests on representation is to look at the media % of articles
about women, In Italy it's Burlusconi, in France It's Sarkozy- domestic
issues like health care and education are subsumed beneath cosmetic
political spin which insults all our intelligences)