The questions that are being asked all over the world need to be evaluated by independent experts.
Well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 can not be correct.
Hundreds of international personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have repeatedly called for a new international investigation.
At the same time large parts of the US public are demanding the impeachment of G.W.Bush in the face of a possible attack on Iran.
On June 10, 2008 Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who in the past has repeatedly called for a new 9/11 investigation, introduced 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Robert Wexler joined Dennis Kucinich as co-sponsor of this impeachent resolution.
The 35 impeachment articles included 2 articles questioning the events of 9/11, the others articles centered on false information released to the public to justify the war. The House of Representatives then voted 251 to 166 to refer the impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee.
A new independent 9/11 investigation has been called for by 4 presidential candidates for 2008 Cynthia MyKinney, former 6-term democratic Congresswoman from Georgia, candidate for the Green Party Ralph Nader (Green Party), candidate for President of the United States in five elections Ron Paul, veteran republican Congressman, Mike Gravel, former Democratic United States Senator from Alaska. Mr. Gravel just recently ended his presidential campaign.
Further politicians, who are demanding a new 9/11 investigation are:
Jesse Ventura, a former Governor of Minnesota
Cindy Sheehan, US-anti-war activist, challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the 2008 elections.
Senator Karen S. Johnson, elected member of the Arizona State Legislature
Paul Hellyer, former Minister of National Defense of Canada,
Libby Davies Canadian Member of Parliament
Michael Meacher, former Minister for the Environment in the cabinet of Tony Blair.
Tony Benn, former Minister of Technology and longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party
Andreas von Buelow, former Minister of Research and Technology in West Germany
Mrs. Heike Hänsel and Dr. Axel Troost, members of the german parliament, and several members of local and regional councils in Germany.
Giulietto Chiesa, an italian member of the EU Parliament.
Berit Ås, a former Member of Parliament in Norway
Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malysia from 1981 to 2003.
Yukihisa Fujita, member of Parliament for Democratic Party of Japan in January and April 2008 made lengthy statements at the House of Councillors, the national parliament of Japan, in his function as one of the directors of the Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee. He demanded further investigations and questions being answered, his lengthy presentations were broadcasted live nationwide on Japanese NHK television.The Democratic Party of Japan is the main opposition party and has a majority in the Upper House of Parliament and holds 36 % in the Lower House, the more powerful house.
Yukihisa Fujita is currently working to form an international coalition to demand an independent, international 9/11 investigation.He just returned from a second trip to Europe this year and has been in Venezuela's legislative National Assembly in 2006 passed a resolution by the unanimous vote of its 167-members.
The resolution in one article asked the U.S. Congress to "Demand that the government of President Bush explain the self-inflicted attack on the World Trade Center and its victims and the links between the Bin Laden family and the Bush family."
President Chavez and other government officials repeated similar questions.
These calls for a new independent investigation by various politicians are also reflected in several public opinion polls conducted in the USA and other countries and by millions of people throughout the world asking the very same questions or actively engaging in publishing information, and news.
Documentaries, interviews, and TV shows sharing the demand for investigations have been shown on TV in several countries around the world. Most prominent was a CNN show, profoundly questioning the 9/11 event, that ran for 3 nights in March of 2007, then came C-SPANs repeat broadcasting of an 9/11 truth conference and Rosie McDonnell asking serious questions in her show aired on ABC, until she finally lost her contract.Coming September the 9/11 documentary ZERO, produced by EU parliamentarian Giulietto Chiesa and supported among others by Dario Fo will be shown on russian TV.
Additionally there are hundreds of international newspaper articles that reported on serious doubts about 9/11 archived at:

Respected academics, scientists, architects and other professionals in many countries back these demands through persistent research.
More international supporters and voices from various professional, academic and political backgrounds are listed at these websites:

The present policy of warfare has to change towards a policy of reconciliation and development.
To make this happen we need to ask these questions and have them evaluated by an independent international investigation ino 9/11
Here a video interview with japanese MP Yukihisa Fujita

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