WSWS and the demonisation of Robert Mugabe continues.
My letter to WSWS
The talbot article:

Ann talbot has written :
‘Such was the hostility to ZANU-PF that the MDC won a victory in the March elections against their own expectations. But it does not enjoy the type of active mass support that would allow it to combat Mugabe’s repression. Its aim has always been to win power courtesy of US and British backing for regime change. Even the MDC’s most active supporters are flocking to the MDC headquarters for protection only to be carried off to torture camps by the military’
what torture camps? Care to provide any evidence? Why do you suppose in spite of the media demonisation Mugabe and ZANU are still so popular? Thats because the people of Zimbabwe understand they are for the people. MDC is for the neocolonial ambitions of US UK and Australia
SHAME on WSWS for being a echo chamber of western propaganda.
And again. WSWS MUST prove its allegations of torture camps.
I will be posting this around the internet.