After being removed from the restaurant by police a campaigner was approached and his details requested. He gave his name and address but was told if he did not give his date of birth he would be arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act. He refused, as he believes that a person is only required to give their name and address for the purpose of a summons and no additional details. He was subsequently arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act. The arrest got public attention with people making use of their cameras and coming up to take leaflets.
He has been charged and bailed to attend Cambridge Magistrates – Narey – Court 613 – Magistrates Court at 43 Hauxton Road, Cambridge on the 3rd July at 9.30 a.m. – ANY SUPPORT APPRECIATED.
The protesters hoped to highlight the issues that originally comprised the leaflet that led to the court case ranging from animal farming to environmental degradation. According to a campaigner, “McDonalds hasn’t really changed. Whether it be the environmental impact of animal agriculture or the fact they continue to market junk food to children in the middle of an obesity problem, McDonalds still makes a lot of people very Mcangry.”
Many of the original leaflet’s criticisms of McDonalds were vindicated in court. According to the ruling of the High Court, Mcdonalds had ‘exploited children’, was ‘culpably responsible for animal cruelty’ and used marketing that had ‘pretended to a positive nutritional benefit which their food did not match’.
The campaigners are calling on the people of Cambridge to boycott the restaurant chain. We can all make a statement about our values by the way we spend our cash. We call on everyone to say no to this business in our city.
- You can learn more about the McLibel case at

- An additional video of the protest was taken by an independent camera man see

- Protester’s video at:

Cambridge Magistrates – Narey – Court 613 – Magistrates Court at 43 Hauxton Road, Cambridge on the 3rd July at 9.30 a.m.
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