I thought the post below might interest you. But first you have a post that goes like this:
'Zimbabwe's neighbours are bracing themselves for an influx of millions of refugees after the run-off presidential poll next week, which President Mugabe is determined to win even at the cost of regional isolation. '
Determined to win? You mean the british puppet Tsvangirai is NOT determined to win? AND if Mugabe adn his party DO win, the dictators will isolate him. Because what they will be doing is to oppose democracy.
Now for the article:
here are some thought inducing excerpts:
1. 'America's Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 authorised President George W. Bush to fund "opposition media" as well as "democracy and governance programmes" inside Zimbabwe.
In April last year, the US State Department confirmed for the first time that the US had sponsored "events" in Zimbabwe aimed at "discrediting" Mugabe. '
(COMMENT: Besides being an eg of one state interfering in the internal politics of another (illegal IN the US), itys revealing that the Empire sponsored 'events' aimed at 'discrediting ' Mugabe. What events would these be? They sound like Covert ops. That they need such underhanded tactics to discredit Mugabe shows us how desperate the empire is and indicates the integrity of Mugabe's character.)
2.'It is reported that the opposition party MDC also received financial backing and political direction from Britain, Germany, Holland, Denmark and the US. A small number of political observers in the West have questioned the wisdom of Western interference in Zimbabwe's internal affairs.'
(Comment: This sort of thing if done in the US by a foreign power would be seen as both illegal and treasonous...you do know then meaning of that word?)
3. 'When America passed its Zimbabwe Act, US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asked during a debate in the House of Representatives why US officials were enforcing politically-motivated sanctions against a mostly democratic country:
"Zimbabwe is Africa's second-longest stable democracy. It is multi-party. It had elections last year (in 2000) where the opposition (the MDC) won over 50 seats in Parliament.
"It has an opposition Press which vigorously criticises the government and governing party. It has an independent judiciary which issues decisions contrary to the wishes of the governing party'
(Comment: Now we know MCKinney as one of the few US politicians with any integrity. She correctly informs us that Zimbawbe is a democracy not as dictatorship (additional proof: its not funded by the US), that it has a free press, is multi party and MDC has seats. Did you know any of this?)
4. 'Indeed, one of the ostensible reasons why America passed the Act was to protest against the presence of Zimbabwean troops in the Congo.
Yet, in 2001, both Uganda and Rwanda also had troops in the Congo; and neither Uganda nor Rwanda allowed opposition political parties or a free Press.
Yet both were allies of America, and received considerable economic backing from the US. '
(Comment: SADC asked Zimbawbe to send troops to aid the congo when it was invaded by rwanda and Uganda,. Note, these two countries are not democracies, yet we dont see any media interest in them at all.Why?
You can read the rest of this article here:

Do yourself a favor, read it, think about it, and climb out of the hole the MSM has dug for you