Indeed we know more about the diet afforded island Cubans under their system led by either Fidel Castro or his little brother Raul Castro than we know about the eating habits of Cubans in the USA under their system (led by Gloria Estefan).
Beans will in fact be one of the first things happy Europeans flock to order from Cuba. Raul Castro was recently quoted in "Time" magazine as having said "Beans are more important than cannon" all the way through the 1990's. They were reflecting less on his appetite than on their analysis that the Russia (or the former Soviet Union if you're a Time reader) would jump at the chance to be associated in the popular imagination with not only Cuban bean production but rice as well.
Rice is big news in poor countries.
Which is why Cuba under Raul Castro decided to host the global "rice conference" in Havana at the beginning of June. You can read all about that in their official state newspaper

Cuba doesn't do potatos.
But it does do tourism. About 2 billion dollars a year's worth of tourism. Which is a lot of instant loving, blowjobs and used condoms. Here is the only article ever published in the Cuban state newspaper which treated on condoms. Appearing last year before Raul Castro's new "youth friendly" edition saw an increased print edition of ten pages, it discussed the role condoms play in population control. Obviously all that tourism isn't going to result in lots of little Cubans.

Here are some links to serious newspapers which will discuss the lifting of sanctions in tterms of neo-liberal globalisation, internal Cuban government reform, EU profit margins, US foreign policy and statements from Obama and Mc Cain, little filler articles on Fidel, JFK & Kruschev, and of course political prisoners. Gloria Estefan might even make a statement.
But you know it really has to do with beans and rice.
don't you?...............think with your tummy. You don't need a mobile phone on the way to where you want to go, you just need a phone card. Of course the EU was delighted that Raul Castro allowed his young people to buy mobile phones recently. This is because we Europeans make cheap mobile phones thanks to our good commercial and historical relations with the African states where columbite-tantalite or "coltan" is mined. Our main competitors in the mobile phone biz in Korea get right up the Ozzie nose and so have to pay through it (the nose) for Australian columbite-tantalite.

learn something new everyday.
english pithy whet your appetite links :-

spanish longer meatier and generally too greasey links :-

the Cuban commie newspaper for serious people who know this aint about humour but dogma.